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3. 2 § 2-4. It must be added, if »to be" means to exist" or »to be met with;" likewise if the grammatical tense or mood is to be ex- pressed. Rem. It is even wanting sometimes in such sentences, as con- tain a predicate in the optative or imperative mood; especially in some current phrases, as नमस्तस्मै ( adoration to him), भद्रं ते [Sc. भूयात् ] hail to you ), का कथा (why make mention of ) शान्तम् or शान्तं पापम् (v. a. malum absit), etc. Prabodh. III p. 66 the Bauddha monk entreats the Caiva to let him enjoy the instruction of his doctrines data शिष्योऽहं प्रवेशय म परमेश्वरी शिक्षाम् (be you my teacher, I your pupil, initiato me into the doctrines of the Caivas). Besides ग्रस्ति and भवति, the verbs विद्यते, तिष्ठति, and the participle may be used more or Schol. on P. 3, 4, 65¹) faut- less as verbum substantivum. नाम् (there is something to eat), Ven. III p. 94 एष दुर्योधन अस्थां न्यग्रोधच्छा- mungufaeftasía (here D. is sitting down under the shade --), Hit. 107 वायसराज द्वारि वर्तते the king of the crows is at the door). From the given examples it however sufficiently appears that the original meaning of those verbs has not wholly faded. Accordingly it is sometimes not indifferent which verbum subst. to choose. So fara especially donotes the being met with" fr. il y a, likewise f प्रति but not भवति; गत expresses the heing in or en", as चित्रगतः (v. 3. painted); a comp. Lat. versatur. Rem. By consequence, af is the proper verb, if there be laid some stress on the predicate, in other terms, if it be pointed out that the subject is invested with the dignity or possesses the quality predi- cated of it. Ch. Up. 6, 16, 1 it is said with respect to somebody, seized on account of a theft, apparently committed by him भवति [not अस्ति]; Panc. III, 57 बनानि दहतो बः सखा भवति मारुत: (when the fire burns the wood, wind is his mate), Mhbh, 1,89,2 är farven तपसा जन्मना वा वृद्धः स पूज्यो भवति विज्ञानाम्- 4. The same character is exhibited by the predicates 1) विद्यते in this sutra is one of the प्रत्यय: (words meaning to be).