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97. with verbs of kee- ping off § 97-98. Likewise the ablative joins verbs or verbal nouns of keeping off, and kindred notions. Of the kind are: 1 98. 71 1. those of restraining, preventing, excluding from, as ajózat m arzula (he keeps the cows from the beans); 2. those of protecting, guarding, guarding, securing from, as 25. (he protects from thieves); 3. those of P. L.4. P. 1, 4, I, 4, 25; 28. afraid aut being being afraid of and suspecting, especially and fast, f. i. off. Examples: 1. Kâm, 16, 15 let- GR Garate, Mahav. I, p. 10 ufowa: où- (as his mother's father prevented him from taking her [viz. Sitâ] by violence). 2. Pane. 298 gat sa uita, Mhbh, 1, 82, 21, Malav. V, p. 135 i afa: zai afdog Catà: (eager for defending her from the wicked [aggressor]). 3. - Panc. 179 gotchle ff (you are afraid of the huntsman), Mudr. III, p. 102 and unfeant kant agu([a king's servant] must not stand in awe of his master only, but of the king's minister, of the king's favourite and of others), M. 2, 162 firugíasın fauna (a brahman should always shun marks of honour, as if they were poison), Mhbh. 1, 140, 61 fa uzmus (he should mistrust those, who are worth mistrusting and those, who are not so), Kâç. on 1, 4, 28 g (he con. ceals himself from his teacher). NB. The verbs, mentioned sub 3., admit also of the genitive, see 126 c). Rem. Note (to shrink from, to shun, to despise) with abl. according to a vårtt. on P. 1, 4, 24. Instances are met with in the ar- chaic literature. In modern Sanskrit it seems to be exclusively con- strued with accas. The verb if (to be disgusted with) is construed with abl, or instr., sometimes even with acc. and gen. P. 1,4, 27. II. The point from whence a distance is counted (termi- nus a quo), is expressed by the ablative. Pat. I, p. 455