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72 Abla- tive, the naîqua: Hichkii za s (from Gavidhûma termi- nus a to Sankaçya four yojanas). Hence the ablative joins a.) such prepp. as , T, etc., 6.) the names of the cardinal qua. points and those in § 98. - ning far, as and the like. Examples: of a.) see in chapter IX. b.) Daç. 156 dazi ffar (east from the tirth), Pat. I, P. 2, 3, p. 475 see Rem. 1. on this paragraph. 29. c.) Mrech. VII, p. 23 sf, Mhbh. 1, 152, 1 fag anta, ibid. 1, 151, 44 ang..... adala, Âpast. 1, 24, 31, 2 ankaa (he shall void excrements far from his house). ma , asa c.), all words mea- Rem. 1. With derived adverbs of the species zfara: sa:¹) the genitive should be employed, not the ablative [P. 2, 3, 30], with those in the accusative [ibid. 31]. Hence it is said for ex. R 3, 4, 27 soppenratsantara (he dug a hole by his side), Pat. I, p. 475 on: garaad: Manufadorchalardan falla ferar-nyarun m fru (what is Aryavarta? The country east of Âdarça, west of Kalakavana, south of the Himavat and north of Påriyâtra), Çak. I ¿tauìa. qualitouata za zud. But the genitive with those in is also allowed [see Kâç. on P. 2, 3, 31], as R. 3, 13, 21 gajume (north of this place). - — Rem. 2. Pâņini [2, 3, 34] allows optional construing with abl. or gen, all words, meaning far and near, gra or I STARA . As far as I have obscrved, an ablative with those of 1) P. c. Kâç. gives as instances also Jaff, 34fe. That on the other hand the abl. is available, even if the ad- verb itself have the ending of that case, is exemplified by this çloka quoted by Pat. I, 457. Tara Tata Tatang That