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104. § 103-105. 4, 44. by preference, at least in the case of indicating space and direction. So it is said: (at the right), am (at the left), Ta: (at the side), gg: (at the back) etc. In figu- Vårtt. rative sense this ahl, is likewise used, as Ch. Up. 4, 17, 4 ago P. 5, fron.... afe age..... af: (if [the yajña] would be vicious on account of an rc, a yajus, a sâma), Apast. 1, 1, 15 # fe fa- (v. a. for he is his spiritual father), Mâlav. I, p. 25 Teren whont in quan: frue (Your Reverence is even- handed; be you, then, the umpire to judge us with respect to our qualities and our shortcomings). In its metaphorical application this ablativus partis not rarely touches upon the abl. causae, treated in 102. So f. i. with the points of comparison, as R. 2, 34, 9 -

(in depth like the ocean = »by its depth" or as to its depth").

Ablatives of the cause and of the side often have the the characterofad verbs (77); especially when ending in T So autand or an; (by disposition), (in due order), affi- (in inverse order), ata: (through one's own exertion), T: (with all one's power), TT (out of respect), (with- out motive; on a sudden), and so on. P. 2, 3, 33 gives a special rule for the ablatives, and, and being in- terchangeable with the instr. racter of adverbs, as etc.; both sets have the cha-

(he was released easily),

Rem. Note. »by far." Panc. II, 170 or in comparisons (by far better). Ablative of comparison. 1 77 4 105. The ablative expressive Abla- tive of of the notion on what side, with respect to - is frequently cop applied in comparisons to signify the thing compared with, provided there be superiority or inferiority or discrepancy '). It joins 1st comparatives; then the abl. our ,than." 1) For in the case of identity, likeness, equivalence the instrum. or gen. is required (62) and the dat. also in the case of counterpoise (85).