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My father aye tauld me, my mither an'a',
Ye'd make a gude husband, and keep me aye braw;,
It's true I lo'e Johnnie, he's young and he's bonnie;,
But, waes me! I ken, he has naething awa.,
I hae little tocher, ye've made a gude offer ;,
I'm nae mair than twenty : my time is but sma'!,
Sae gie me your plaidie, I'll creep in beside ye,,
I thocht ye'd been aulder than threescore and twa!

She crap in ayont him,| beside the stane wa',,
Whare Johnnie was list'ning, and heard her tell a':,
The day was appointed !-his proud heart it dunted,,
And struck 'gainst his side, as if bursting in twa.,
He wander'd hame wearie, the night it was drearie,,
And, thowless, he tint his gate 'mang the deep snaw;,
The howlet was screamin', while Johnnie cried, Women,
Wad marry auld Nick if he'd keep them aye braw.

O the deil's in the lasses ! they gang now sae braw,,
They'll lie down wi' auld men o' fourscore and twa;,
The hale o' their marriage is gowd and a carriage ;,
Plain lore is the cauldest blast now that can blaw.,
Auld dotards, be wary! tak' tent wha ye marry,,
Young wives wi' their coaches they'll whup and they'll ca',
Till they meet wi' some Johnnie that's youthful and bonnie,,
And they'll gie ye horns on ilk haffet to claw.


Words by BURS. Music arranged by R. A. SMITH.

Thou hast left me ever, Jamie,
Thou hast left me ever,
Thou hast left me ever, Jamie,
Thou hast left me ever.
Aften thou hast vowed that death
Only should us sever;
Now thou'st left thy lass for aye ;
I maun see thee never, Jamie,
I maun see thee never.

Thou hast me forsaken, Jamie,
Thou hast me forsaken,
Thou hast me forsaken, Jamie,
Thou hast me forsaken.
Thou canst love anither jo,
While my heart is breaking;
Soon my weary een I'll close,
Never mair to waken, Jamie,
Never mair to waken.