Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/3

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2dly, The Kirk of Scotland is a Thief, alas ſhe has gane to Rome, and has ſtown a way, the Traſh and Trumpery, as the Books of Common Prayer and Cannons wellawa! But what trou ye ſhe is flichterd with, but with a Silken Threed and a Cannonical Obedience to their Ordinary,and wow but we have taken great delight to be bound: We had once a bonny Kırk, but after they got us faſt, they made the filken Threed a Cable Tow, with which they girded us ſo faſt that we could not ſae much as fidge, but either we must run into the Danger of blind Obedience on the one ſide, to accept of all Idolatry and Superſtitious Ceremonies they impoſed on us,or on the other hand, be MenSworn Men; Na, the Kirk of Scotland is ſae wounded in her Hands, that thir Twenty Years bygane, ſhe could not make her Hummock in a cald day, for the Kirk of Scotland thir Twenty Years bygane, cou'd not have a Meeting in a Lawlul Aſſembly, and fo I have done with her Hands: Now I come to teil you how, how ſhe is wounded inher Feet and that I call the Worſhip of the Kirk of Scotland.

The Kirk of Scotland was a bonny trotting Naig, but then ſhe trotted ſae hard, that never a Man durſt ride her, but the Bihops wha after they gat on on her Back, Corſs-langed her and Hapſhackled her, and when ſhe became a bonny pacing Beaſt, they took great pleaſure to Ride on her, but their Cadging her up and down from Edinburgh to London, and it may be from Rome too, gave her ſik a het Coit, that we have theſe Twelve Months bygane been ſtirring her up and down to keep her fae founding;Yea, they made not only a Horſe but an Aſs of the Kırk of Scotland: How ſae quo ye? what mean ye by this? I'le tell you how, they made Balaam's Aſs of her, ye ken well enough,

