Page:Sermon preached by Mr. James Rows (sic), in St. Geil's Kirk at Edinburgh, which has been commonly known by the name of Pockmanty preaching.pdf/4

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Balaam was going an unluckie gait, and firſt the Angel met him in a broad way, and then the Aſs bogled and ſtartled, but Balaam got by the Angel, and till her and Battand her ſufficiently, that was when Epiſcopacy came in, and then they gave the Kirk of Scotland her Paiks; Afterward Balaam met the Angel in a ſtrait gait, and then ſhe ſtartled more than before, but Balaam till her again and whaked her ſoundly, that was when the five Articles of Perth were brought in: The third time the Angel met Balaam in ſae ſtrait a gait, that the Aſs could not win by; and then it pleaſed the LORD to open blind Balaam's Eyes, and that is this happy days wark: Now GOD has opened all our Eyes, we were like blind Balaam, ganging an unluckie gait, and Riding Poſt to Rome, and what was gotten behind him upon the Aſs, wat yer I'le tell you, there was a Pockmanty; And what was in it trou ye? but the Book of Cannons and of Common Prayer, and the High Commiſſion, but as ſoon as the Aſs fees the Angel, ſhe falls a flinging and a plunging, and oregangs the Pockmanty and it hings by the ſtring on the one ſide, and aff gaes blind Balaam, and he hings by the Hough on The other ſide; and fain wald the Carle been on the Sadle again, and been content to leave his Pockmanty. But Beloved, let not the falfe Swin gour get on again, for if he get on again, he wil be ſure to get on his Pockmanty alſo.

The 4th Wound the Kirk of Scotland got wa in her Heart, and that I tald you was the Doctrine of the Kirk of Scotland, and that is Pepery and Arminianiſm, which is ſae ryfe in our Schools and Kirks; nay, are there not ſome of you that are ſitting here and hears me, wha wald not a wiſh your ſelves a Hundred times to a been out of the
