as ſoon as he heard the found of his voice, he inſtantly ſprang upon his elbows, and ſeizing him by his hands, exclaimed as loud as he could, with his now feeble and trembling voice, "O, Sir! you are the friend of the
Lord Jeſus, whom I heard ſpeak ſo well of him. ——Joſeph is the chief of ſinners, but it is a faithful ſaying, that Jeſus Chriſt, the God who made all things, came into the world to ſave ſinners, and why not Joſeph! ——O pray to that Jeſus for me, pray that he may ſave me: telling him, that Joſeph thinks that he loves him for
coming into the world to ſave ſuch ſinners as Joſeph." ——The Doctor prayed; and when he concluded Joſeph thanked him moſt kindly. He then put his hand under his pillow, and puled out an old rag, in which were tied up
five guineas; and putting it into the Doctor's and, which he had kept all this while cloſe n his, he thus addreſſed him: Joſeph in his folly, had laid this up to keep him in his old age but Joſeph will never ſee old age: take it and divide it among the poor friends of the Lord Jeſus: and tell them that Joſeph gave it them for his ſake, who came into the world to ſave ſinners, of whom Joſeph is the chief." So ſaying, he reclined His head, his exertions in talking had been too much for
him, ſo that he inſtantly expired.
Dr. Calamy left this ſcene, but not without ſhedding tears over Joſeph; and uſed to tell this little ſtory with much feeling, and as one