of the moſt affecting occurrences he ever met with. I naturally ſuggeſts the following obſervations.
1. Let us admire the ſovereignty of Divine Grace: The whole congregation whether rich or poor, were ſinners in the ſight of a holy God, and ſtood equally in need of that Salvation, which by the goſpel was preached to them. But while the elegant aſſembly heard it with liſtleſs attention, the word of God came with demonſtration of the Spirit and of power in the heart of Joſeph, and fixed his attention by its infinite importance. To what can we aſcribe this difference, but to the ſovereign grace of him who "will have mercy on whom he will have mercy;" who hath hid theſe things from the wiſe and prudent, and revealed them to babes;" and hath " choſen the poor in this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promiſed to them that love him?" To diſplay the power and ſovereignty of this grace, the Apoſtle tells us, that “God hath choſen the fooliſh things of the world to confound the wiſe, and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty," for the expreſs purpoſe, "that no fleſh ſhould glory in his preſence, but he that glorieth ſhould glory only in the Lord." This is very different from the general views of men. There is a proneneſs in the human mind, when convicted of ſin, to do ſomething in order to eſcape the wrath of