Page:Song of Hiawatha (1855).djvu/324

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Adjidau′mo, the red squirrel.

Ahdeek′, the reindeer.

Ahmeek′, the beaver.

Annemee′kee, the thunder.

Apuk′wa, a bulrush.

Baim-wa′wa, the sound of the thunder.

Bemah′gut, the grape-vine.

Big- Sea-Water, Lake Superior.

Cheemaun′, a birch canoe.

Chetowaik′, the plover.

Chibia′bos, a musician; friend of Hiawatha; ruler in the Land of Spirits.

Dahin′da, the bull-frog.

Dush-kwo-ne′-she, or Kwo-ne′-she, the dragon-fly.

Esa, shame upon you.

Ewa-yea′, lullaby.

Gitche Gu′mee, the Big-Sea-Water, Lake Superior.

Gitche Man′ito, the Great Spirit, the Master of Life.

Gushkewau′, the darkness.

Hiawa′tha, the Prophet, the Teacher; son of Mudjekeewis, the West-Wind, and Wenonah, daughter of Nokomis.

Ia′goo, a great boaster and story-teller.

Inin′ewug, men, or pawns in the Game of the Bowl.

Ishkoodah′, fire; a comet

Jee′bi, a ghost, a spirit.

Joss′akeed, a prophet.

Kabibonok′ka, the North-Wind.

Ka′go, do not.

Kahgahgee′ the raven.

Kaw, no.

Kaween′, no indeed.

Kayoshk′, the sea-gull.

Kee′go, a fish.

Keeway′din, the Northwest wind, the Home-wind.

Kena′beek, a serpent.

Keneu′, the great war-eagle.

Keno′zha, the pickerel.

Ko′ko-ko′ho, the owl.

Kuntasoo′, the Game of Plum-stones.