The < omvv/i//</' / of (fen. //////,'. /. 151
A\ E. Lee, June 2 t /86j, [ Regrets to lose Jenkins' and Ransom's />agf 8f8, to Dazi^ Brigades, good officers and veteran troops.
Comments on D. H. Hill's actions.
K. E. Lee, June 2, /86j, \ Further comments on D. H. Hill's re- page 849, to Seddon. taining his troops and attempting to send inferior troops in their stead.
A'. E. Lee, June 3, f 863, \ About D. H. Hill and the best Brig- page 85 /, to Seddon . ades retained from the Army of Northern
A*. E. Lee to General Sam \ Even with this reduction I am deficient Jones, page 858, June in general transportation for commissary, j, 1863. quartermaster, &c., trains.
ft. E. Lee to General A. ] Third Army Corps in front of Freder- P. Hill, page 85 9, June icksburg; balance of the army moving 5, 1863. north.
ft. E. Lee to Seddon, Sec- \- Whiting and D. H. Hill. " He does retary of War, June 8, not seem to have projected much and 1863, page 868. has accomplished less."
Nothing to be gained by remaining on the defensive. If the Department thinks it better to remain on the defensive, it has only to inform me. Troops not needed in the South. Sent to the armies in the field, we might hope to make some im- pression on the enemy.
NOTE. On the way to } Insufficient food, insufficient transpor- Gettysbicrg. tation, insufficient cavalry. No infantry
reinforcements. Can't get his own troops from Cape Fear department. Troops rotting from inaction in the South. Hero- ically starts north, but on the 8th of June, at Culpeper C. H., is uncertain if the Department will let him go on.