BEFORE we go any further, we should know something of Kwantung and of the Cantonese people who, in their racial activity, gave Sun that resiliency of soul and agility of body that stood him in such good stead during the years. of his wanderings about the world to accomplish the overthrow of the Manchus.
Kwantung, the southernmost of the eighteen provinces of China, is of itself a great and rich country with a population exceeding thirty millions. Canton, its capital and largest city, with over a million inhabitants, has taken its name from the English transliteration of the name of the province.
The Province of Kwantung is a fair and beautiful country, traversed by ranges of colorful mountains, drained by landscaped rivers, and skirted by an azure sea in a broken coast of purple heights and golden strands, along which are found many charming islands, picturesque with pagodas and bat-winged junks. The soil, although overworked by generations of farmers, is (with the aid of fer-