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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/148

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
A triple Hypocras bag is onely one hang[errata 1] above another after this manner.
To make excellent Hypocras Wine in an inſtant.

Take of Cinnamon two ounces, Nutmegs, Ginger, of each half an ounce, Cloves two drams, bruiſe theſe ſmall, then mix them with as much Spirit of Wine as will make them into a paſte, let them ſtand cloſe covered in a glaſſe the ſpace of ſix dayes in a cold place, then preſſe out the Liquor, and keep it in a glaſſe.

A few drops of this Liquor put into any Wine giveth it a gallant reliſh, and odour, and maketh it as good as any Hypocras whatſoever, and that in an inſtant.

Note that if the Wine be of it ſelfe harſh, it will not be amiſſe to ſweeten it with Sugar, for thereby it is made farre more gratefull.

This alſo being put into Beer will make it very pleaſant, and aromaticall.

  1. Correction: hang should be amended to hanging