otherwiſe it will make the head of the Still fly up) and there will come forth a weak Spirit, which is called low Wine: of which when thon haſt a good quantity thou maiſt diſtill it again of it ſelf, and there will come forth a good Aqua vitæ. And if thou diſtilleſt it two or three times more, thou ſhall have as ſtrong a Spirit as out of Wine, and indeed betwixt which, and the Spirit of Wine thou ſhalt perceive none or very little difference.
DIſtill it in Balneo untill the laſt drop that comes off be hot, and full of Spirit.
Note that every time there will remain in the bottom a quantity as weak as water.
Note alſo that every time thou diſtilleſt it, when thou perceiveſt that a very weak water comes over, thou shalt then end that Diſtillation.
TAke good old rich Canary Wine, put it into a Glaſs-veſſell that it may fill the third part thereof, nip it up and ſet it in a continuall heat of Horſe-dung for the ſpace of four months: then in froſty weather ſet it forth into the coldeſt place of the air you can, for the ſpace of a month, that it be congealed: And ſo the cold will drive in the true Spirit of the Wine into the Center thereof, and ſeparate it perfectly from its flegan. That which is congealed caſt away; but that which is not congealed eſteem was the true Spirit of Wine. Circulate this in a Pellican with a moderate heat for the ſpace of a month, and thou ſhalt have the true magiſtery or Spirit of Wine, which as it is moſt cordiall, ſo alſo moſt Balſamicall, exceeding all balſomes for the cure of Wounds.