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Page:The Black Cat November 1916.djvu/63

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ADVERTISEMENTS To Women Who Dread Motherhood Hundreds of Women bave proven by t-x pei-ieoce that dread and fear are unnecesvary. Fain can now be reduced to almost nothing by discoveries of Dr. J. l M I>yc K lifelong specialist in such cases. Book ex- Paining fully how to bimj* strong healthy children into the world with al- most no pain, sent free in plain wrapper and postpaid to any woman who will send her name to Dr. J. H. Dye iledical Institute, 300 Unco In B1dg,* Bull-Is, N. V. Write lor It today. )on , t Wear a Truss B modern, scientific invention, the wonderful new discovery thatcures rupture will be sent on trial. No obnoxious springs or pads. Has automatic Air Cush- ions. Binds and draws the brok en parts together as you would a broken limb. No salves. No lies. Durable, cheap. Sent on trial to prove it. Protected by U. S, Patents. Catalog and measure blanks mailed free, Send name and address today. E. BROOKS, 164 State Street, Marshall, Mich. FREE ^^ jfflgmsa (■HditiattHpfarTwim «u Had WSHM. otfrwnu _ co., odt.sot Chicago, ill* PARALYSIS «5caS£r By Dr, Chue't Spccisl Blood ati J Nerve Tablet*. Dr. ClatC 22i N» Tenth Street. Philadelphia Fa, flfOrfn&Hon worth hundreds of dollar* to any married namivii couple or ilwge cotite/iuplatirix roarrtatfe eoataiqed in Dr. Parker'* New Marriacr Guide, f 1,10, post pa id. UejeWjrftt« ctrtitttar mailed fn#> a. Dinso, - - 25 HnHwrrv Svr*et. Hew York ARRIOR ?8fgS BOWELS

  • fe* txljKM £ uuJu lil* brighter, work easier, tone up the *yileiu.

«* B?d And iouiix. Sam fit Fr t t k LxYAl SPECUJ.T7 CO,, AIIKbm, Ohio DON'T STAY FAT We have such marvelous re- cords of reduction in vi'i^l;t Jo hundfedjof crt-;t»s vlih our ADIKO TrratmfjiL that v. t o deckled, for a FEmiccd SrTSte. Box FREE to aH persons $*] the f a ex) who ore loo f.-.r T Wo want to prove that ADIPQ will ta!:e fat oif any pirt of the body to a ELeasant and •o*oliH»ly irraim way, wlihc.Lt dip t Lin if. excrclslt.ff or Inler- ferioE wlih your usual habits. Rheumatism. Aa1'im;i, Kidnry and Hcnrt troubles, thai so often come v/j:?i obesity, lm- prove a* you reduce, DonM take sue ward lor M, Ui v * Ha, prove If at our a * p * n , Wrilo today for a Free ■ A AptPO and mterertlng iUurtra ted boot; they ~*m '

  • g- A44r*u Adlpo Co*, Aablaud Bid*., Ke w Vc . j* . r>pt, ^i

Jewelry Catalog No. 57 ecnurnta* *r*r 3,W0 dutiful HlMlratloM ot T^irtoiwV ft'i^h,., Arttjtic J»w*Jrr. s,]JvcrwAr*. Cut 0l««. etc. &»Eect tnythln* d*iir*d eitL#f fur prf- tonal w-ir, oj- f yr ft eift to friend or k.r.j m*. th«n uk ui bo M-r.il tt. 4 ■*[«<:• uon r j.r r&ur eianuoatjoB. H wijl bo s*ot. aU chax**» otrptld b j un. YOU*PAY NOTHING-HOT ONE CENT Until rou f*4fcrid w F*r nrn-Tifta of ih# Ur.til roil CM mid HJmliw the arlirj* fwfr In y*y ~ IfrouMclt. ^ Btti^thljf. If n«t^n!irf3!f t+lntmeUtTf . rttuffi it 4H.tr Ii>U Idjum* nr» n«k: T«HJ #r<! nn.icr d^ vVil|*>ItDn. {'hiT C*t»lo«  t*l!»*JI BbMjtourfcMTCrtriH ftiD, ^. L0FTJ8 RHOS. a CO., The National Credit Jewelers Dopt. F 8 7 2 . i oo to 1 o a m, ftitt St r*«t. C hiu S c» f til I not • CbicAiro : Plttibtxrrh. : St Logl* LEa^l-Jljb*(J ltkJSh S(ar«la: FAT Get Rid of that Free Trial Treatment SfHT on tequ«E. Aik lor tnir " piy when - reflated ' ' otTer. My tre^tjn*n« U*% redyCetl at the rate el a pound a itay r Nu dleUBf, du euerclse. Ahfollitely ule zud sue* jtipihod. Let l»e send you prooi u.1 my ex-pensc. DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physician. State New York. 286 Fifth Ave, , New York, Deik C-24 YOGHURT dntfoyi inf#£tttukl AmoiiUfPTiciticin Kwhith u rmpoa tiblc lo? (hot ELred, worn out (eelJng . tuJist i pittaei. Momifh. Ujwel, l, T rf. kidnev r ner^e ..lisunWv Sp#,;iil Con^iM'it'on atA '. '("rsiTv O'ftttftertT |pirricu- l-irv. TOOHUKT CO., i B«Uiagh*m. Wa»h. Do Business by Mail It** |jroliL*bli% with lecurtlfl li*t» of prcMpf^eta, Our cat*lofiu« coDtiin* vital laforautiuii od Mail Advertising. AW price* anil qhiAutitv OU ^ T W*e njitiontl null* «| i Dg, htu , W 5J f i4*i»nic«l. Such at; I War Material hi l». Wealthy M> < J ..- Uok Mfra. Ic* Mir,. 1 Shoe KeLE.iic.Ts Doctora I Tin Can Mfl*. A^lc Craae Mfra. Drufgut* lUitrtiad Luiploje**

AutufJ^DCn Cootraclori 

k Wr i la for tliL valuibl« relrreooe hook ^fiosa-Cmaltl, »l-l OHveSt,, St. LouU. Ross-Gould Mailing LiStS St. Louis J