Page:The Black Cat November 1916.djvu/64

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YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Ordering Your Magazines Through The Black Cat Send us a list of the magazines you wish to subscribe for and we will make you the lowest price obtainable The following list comprises most of the popular magazines. To find the cost of any combination add the class numbers and multiply by S f the result is the cost in cents* Class Publisher's Ctass PabU»W» No. PrJc* No. Prtcs

Adventure $1.50 
Leslies Weekly $5.00 
Ainslees 1.50 
American Magazine 1 .50 
Literary Digest 3.00 
American Photography 1.50 
LMe Folks LOO 
Argosy 1.00 
McOures LOO 
Artist 1.00 
Metropolitan L50 
Atlantic Monthly 4.00 
Modern ftiscilla LOO 
Automobile 3.00 . 
Munsey's LOO 
Baxeball Magazine 1.50 
7 National Sportsman 1 .00 
Black Cat LOO 
Outlook 3.00 
Blue Book 1.50 
Parisienne L50 
Bookman 2.50 
Pearsons 130 
Century 4.00 
Pictorial Review 130 
Christian Herald 1.50 
Popular Magazine 3.00 
Collier's Weekly 2.50 
Railroad Man's Magazine 1 .00 
Correct English 2.00 
Recreation 1.50 
Cosmopolitan 1 .50 
Red Book 1.50 
Country Life in America 4.00 
Reviews of Reviews 3.00 
Countryside Magazine 3.00 
Saturday Evening Post 1.50 
Craftsman 3.00 
Scientific American 3.00 
Current Opinion 3.00 
Scribner's Magazine 3.00 
Delineator 1.50 
Smart Set 3.00 
Etude 1.50 
Smith's Magazine L50 
Everybody's 1.50 
Snappy Stories 3.00 
Fra ^ 2.00 
Sunset L50 
Harper's Magazine 4.00 
System and Book 2.00 
Hearst's Magazine 1.50 
Technical World L50 
House and Garden 3.00 
Top Notch Magazine 3,00 
Housewife .50 
Woman's Home Companion 1 .50 
Independent 3.00 
Young's Magazine 1 .50 
Ladies* Home Journal 1.50 
Youth's Companion 2.00 

Add the Black Cat to every combination as class 15. Regular price $i.oo Prices are advancing steadily so do not delay. Send your order at once. THE BLACK CAT t SALEM, MASS %