Lájuward, see Lázuward | 33 |
Lámiyat = poem rhyming in L | 143 |
Layáli = nights, future, fate | 318 |
Layla (female Pr. N.) | 135 |
(wa Majnún, love poem) | 183 |
Lázuward = lapis lazuli, azure | 33 |
Letters and letter-writing | 24 |
Libdah (skull-cap of felt) sign of religious mendicant | 62 |
Lisám = mouth-veil | 283 |
Liver (for heart) | 240 |
Lizzat al-Nisá (erotic poem) | 93 |
Love (pure, becomes prophetical) | 6 |
(the ear conceiveth it before the eye) | 9 |
(ten stages of) | 36 |
(martyrs of) | 211 |
(platonic, see vol. ii. 104) | 232 |
(ousting affection) | 240 |
Lovers in Lazá (hell) as well as Na'ím (heaven) | 58 |
(parting of, a stock-topic in poetry | 58 |
Lukmán (two of the name) | 264 |
Ma'an bin Záidah | 236 |
Mahríyah (Mehari) = blood-dromedary | 277 |
Majlis = sitting (to a woman) | 92 |
Majnún (Al-) = the mad | 72 |
Málik (door-keeper of Hell) | 20 |
Malik (king) taken as title | 51 |
Man (extract of despicable water) | 16 |
(is fire, woman tinder) | 59 |
(shown to disadvantage in beast-stories) | 115 |
(his destiny written on his skull) | 123 |
(pre-eminence above women) | 332 |
Maniyat = death; muniyat = desire | 291 |
Marba' = summer quarters | 79 |
Marján = Coral-branch (slave-name) | 169 |
Marriage (if consummated demands Ghusl) | 286 |
Married men profit nothing | 2 |
Martyrs of love | 211 |
Marwazi = of Marw (Margiana) | 222 |
Marz-bán = Warden of the Marches, Margrave | 256 |
Má sháa 'llah (as Allah willeth) = well done! | 92 |
Matr = large vessel of leather or wood | 295 |
Maurid = desert-well and road to such | 33 |
Mercy (quality of the noble Arab) | 88 |
Minaret (simile for a fair young girl) | 69 |
Miracles (disclaimed by Mohammed but generally believed in) | 346 |
Mirage = Saráb | 319 |
Mohammed ("born with Kohl'd eyes") | 232 |
Moon masc., Sun fem. | 28 |
Moore (Thomas, anticipated) | 305 |
Morality (geographical and chronological) | 241 |
(want of, excused by passion) | 269 |
Morning-draught | 20 |
Mountain, coming from the = being a clod-hopper | 324 |
sit upon the = turn anchorite | ib. |
Mourning, perfumes not used during | 63 |
Mu'atasim (Al-) bi'llah (Caliph) | 81 |
Mu'áwiyah (his Moses-like "mildness") | 286 |
Muharramát (the three forbidden things) | 340 |
Mujáhid (Al-) = fighter in Holy War | 51 |
Mujáhidún = who wage war against infidels | 39 |
Mukhammas = cinquains | 280 |
Mulberry-fig (for anus) | 302 |
Murjiyy (sect and tenets) | 341 |
Náfilah = supererogatory Koran-recitation | 222 |
Na'ím (name for Heaven) | 19 |
Naml (ant) simile for a young beard | 58 |
Názir = eye or steward | 233 |
Night (and day, not day and night with the Arabs) | 121 |
cap | 222 |
"this" = our "last" | 249 |
for day | 318 |
Nizámí (Persian Poet) | 183 |
Nuptial sheet (inspection of the) | 289 |
Núr al-Hudá (Pr. N. = Light of Guidance) | 17 |
O Camphor (antiphrase = O snow ball) | 40 |
Oftentimes the ear loveth before the eye | 9 |