geprüft" (Miinster, 1906); "Der Gottesbegriff des Duns Scotus auf seinen angeblich exoessiven Inde- terminismus gepruft" (Vienna, 1907); "Verhaltniss zwischen Glauben und Wissen, Theologie und Philosophie, nach Duns Scotus" (Paderborn, 1908); "Der angeblich excessive Reallsmus des Duns Scotus" (Munster, 1908); "Joannis Duns Scoti doctrina philosophica et theologica quoad res praeci- puas proposita, exposita et considerata" (Quaracohi, 1908); collaborator in: "Philosophisches Jahrbuoh" (Fulda); "Beitrag zur Lehre des Duns Scotus iiber die Person Jesu Christi" (Tubingen); "Beitrag zur Lehre des Duns Scotus liber die Univocation des Seinsbegriffes"; contributor to: "Zeitschrift ftir katholische Theologie"; "Theologische Quartal- schrift".
ARTICLES: Duns Scotus, John; Scotism and Scotists.
Moeller, Charles Cli^ment Atjguste, Litt.D., Ph.D., b, at Louvain, 1838, son of Jean Moeller, historian. Education : Seminary, St. Trond, Belgium ; Universities of Louvain, Leyden, Bonn, and Berlin. Professor of general history, Louvain University, 1863- . Author of: "Histoire politique des peuples anoiens"; "Histoire politique du Moyen Age"; "Histoire politique contemporain depuis 1848"; director of "La Conference d'Histoire" (since 1885).
ARTICLES: AlcXntara, Militakt Order of; Assizes of Jerusalem; Aviz, Order of; Calatrava, Military Order of; Catherine, Monastery of Saint; Chivalry; Christ, Order OF THE Knights of; Holy Ghost, Order of the; Holy Sep- ulchre, Knights of the; Hospitallers of Saint John; Laz- arus, Saint, Order of, of Jerusalem; Military Orders; MoNTESA, Military Order of; Redeemer, Knights of the; Saint George, Orders of; Saint James of Compostella, Order of; Saint Sylvester, Order of; Swan, Order of the; Teutonic Order; Trinitarians, Order of; Truce of God,
Moeller, Reverend Ferdinand, S.J., b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 16 December, 1852, brother of Archbishop Moeller of Cincinnati. Education: St. Joseph's School and St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1871; ordained 1885; at various times professor of science and of Classics and director of boys' choirs at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Illinois; St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas; Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska; St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio; Detroit College, Detroit, Michigan; formerly engaged in parish work. The Gesu, Milwau- kee, Wisconsin; at present, engaged in parish work. Holy Family Church, and chaplain of the Ephpheta Mission for the Deaf, Chicago. Opened a Day School for Deaf Mute Boys, Chicago, 1903; erected school for the deaf of the archdiocese of Chicago, dedicated 1909; organized Ephpheta Mission for the Deaf, Chicago; attended meeting of Superintendents of State Schools for the Deaf, obtaining a freer practice of their religion for the Catholic Deaf in State institutions, St. Louis, 1903; organized the Cathohc Deaf Mute Conference, Milwaukee, 1907; has obtained from the pope numerous indulgences, favors, and privileges for the deaf and their benefac- tors. ARTICLE: Education of the Deaf and Dumb.
Mollat, Abb£ Guillatime Mabie Charles Henri, Ph.D., b. at Nantes, France, 1 February, 1877. Education: School for the Children of Nantes, Nantes; School of Higher Studies and St. Sulpice, Paris; French Seminary, Gregorian University, CoUegio AngeUco, and Vatican School of Palaeography and Diplomatics, Rome. Ordained 1900; chaplain. Church of St. Louis of the French, Rome, 1902-1905; chaplain. Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Montmartre, Paris, 1905-1908; curate. Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Passy, Paris, 1914- . Twice laureate of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres.
Member of the Archaeological Society of Nantes and
Loire Inf^rieure; graduate in history and philology
of the School of Higher Studies (1916). Author of:
"Mesures fisoales exerc^es en Bretagne par les papes
d'Avignon ^ I'^poque du Grand Schisme d'Oocident"
(Paris, 1903); "Lettres communes du pape Jean
XXII", 7 vols. (Paris, 1904H912); "La fiscalit^
pontificale en France au XIV^ sidcle" (Paris, 1905);
"Etudes et documents sur I'histoire de Bretagne"
(Paris, 1907); "Les Papes d'Avignon" (Paris, 1912);
"Etude critique sur les Vitae Paparum Avenio-
nensium d'Etienne Baluze" (Paris, 1917); pam-
phlets: "Thomas le Roy, dit R6gis, et le palazzetto
de la Farn^sine" (Rome, 1902); "Cl(5ment VII et le
suaire de Lirey" (Paris, 1903); "Jean XXII fut-il
un avare?" (Louvain, 1905); "Les dol6anoes du
clerg6 de la Province de Sens au concile de Vienne"
(Louvain, 1905); "Jean XXII et la succession de
Sanche, roi de Majorque" (Paris, 1905); "Les
comptes de Jean de Rivesaltes" (Paris, 1905); "Une
lettre close in^dite de Charles VI" (Paris, 1906);
"Les papes d'Avignon et leur h6tel des monnaies k
Sorgues" (Paris, 1908); "Guichard de Troyes et les
r^vllations de la sorciere de Bourdenay" (Paris,
1908); "Innocent VI et les tentatives de paix entre
la France et I'Angleterre " (Louvain, 1909); edited
new edition of Et. Baluze, "Vitae paparum Avenio-
nensium" (Paris, 1916); collaborator in: "Diction-
naire Apolog^tique de la Foi Catholique"; "Diction-
naire d' histoire et de g6ographie eccl^siastiques " ;
contributor to: "Bulletin de la Soci^te arch^ologique
de Nantes"; "Annales de Saint Louis de Frangais";
"Revue de I'Art Chretien"; "Le Correspondant " ;
"Revue Benedictine"; "Revue de Gascogne";
"Memoires de I'Academie de Vaucluse"; "Revue
pratique d'apologetique"; "Vierteljahrschrift fur
Social- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte " ; "Revue d'his-
toire de I'Eglise de France"; "Bulletin critique";
"Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique " ; "Revue des
questions historiques " ; "Revue critique d'histoire et
de litterature " ; "Le Moven-Age"
ARTICLE: Avignon (City).
MoUoy, Reverend Joseph Vincent, o.p., s.T.Lect., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 31 October, 1878. Education: St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somer- set, Ohio; Minerva, Rome; St. Stephen's BibUcal School, Jerusalem. Entered the Dominican Order; ordained 1901; stationed at St. Mary's Church, New Haven, Connecticut, 1910-1911; at St. Raymond's Church, Providence, Rhode Island, 1911-1912; rector, Holy Name Church, Kensington, Philadel- phia, 1912-1913; stationed at St. Rose's Priory, Springfield, Kentucky, 1913-1915.
ARTICLES: Dead Sea; Decapolis; Malchus; Mathusala- Valverdb, Vincent de.
Moloney, Thomas W., lawyer, b. at West Rutland, Vermont, 10 January, 1862. Education: pubUc schools. West Rutland; Montreal College, Montreal, Canada; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- setts. Practising lawyer, Rutland, Vermont, 1885-
- represented Rutland in General Assembly,
Vermont, 1890-1891. Democratic nominee for Governor of Vermont, 1898; Democratic nominee for United States Senator, 1902; chairman of Vermont Delegation, Democratic National Conventions, 1896, 1900. Member (former District Deputy Grand Knight) Knights of Columbus. ARTICLE: Vermont.
Moloney, Reverend William Alan, c.s.c, b. at Nashville, Tennessee, 11 October, 1869, of Irish parentage. Education: St. Josephs College, Cincinnati, Ohio; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 1886; ordained 1893; professor. Univer- sity of Notre Dame, 1893-1899; vice-president, St.