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Edward's College, Austin, Texas, 1899-1902; superior, Community House, Congregation of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, 1902-1904; president, St. Joseph's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1904-1905; director of studies, Notre Dame University, 1905-1908; at Columbia University, Portland, Oregon, 1908-1909; professor of oratory (1909-1912) and secretary (1912- ), Notre Dame University. ARTICLE: Nothe Dame Dtr Lac, University of.

Montanar, Reverend Valentine Hilaiee, Society for Foreign Missions, b. at Marignane, France, 14 February, 1870. Education: Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Aix, France; Seminary of Foreign Missions, Paris. Entered the Society for Foreign Missions 1889; private in 141st Infantry, Marseilles, France, 1891-1892; ordained and sent to Kwang-tong, China, in company with the present vicar Apostolic of Siam, Bishop Perros, and five others, 1893; missionary in Tung-kun, Kwang-tong, 1894-1903; in north Kwang-tong, stationed at Lin- chow (1905), San-ning (1907-1908), etc., 1903-1908; in charge of Chinese Catholics in New York 1908- 1912; in charge of Chinese of Montreal, Canada, 1912-1915. During the nine years of his labors in Tung-kun, number of Cathohos increased from 60 to 3000; persecuted during Boxer troubles, several of his chapels and three Christian villages were burned, 1900; but afterwards rebuilt. Cleared of all compli- city in 1905 massacre by investigations of Mr. Lay, American Consul at Canton, and Commander Evans; founded Chinese Catholic Mission in New York, 1908; compiler of an unpubhshed Chinese-French Dictionary, in use in high school organized by him in Tung-kun. Author of: "Method of Learning the Cantonese Language"; "Fifteen Years in China"; contributor of articles on Chinese subjects in: "Bulletin de Notre Dame de Beauregard"; various French and American periodicals.

ARTICLES: Kan-stt, Prefecture Apostolic of Southern; Kan-su, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern; Kiang-nan, Vi- cariate Apostolic of; Kiang-si, Vicariates Apostolic of Eastern, Northern and Southern; Kwang-si, Prefecture Apostolic of; Kwang-tung, Prefecture Apostolic of; Kwei- CHOu, Vicariate Apostolic of; Shan-si, Vicariates Apostolic of Northern and Southern; Shan^tung, Vicariates Apos- tolic of Northern, Eastern and Southern; Shon-si, Vicari- ates Apostolic of Northern and Southern; Sze-ch'wan, Eastern, Vicariate Apostolic of; Sze-ch'wan, Northwest- ern, Vicariate Apostolic of; Sze-ch'wan, Southern, Vica- riate Apostolic of; Yun-Nan.

Monteiro d'Aguiar, Reverend Joseph, b. in May, 1874. Education: seminaries, Goa and Cochin, India. At various times missionary, secretary of the Curia and episcopal master of ceremonies, diocese of Cochin; at present, resident in Portugal. Member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Pernambuco, Brazil. Contributor to various periodi- cals.

ARTICLE: Cochin, Diocese op (Coohinensis).

Montes de Oca y Obregon, Right Reverend Jose Maria Ignacio, d.d., ll.d.. Bishop of San Luis PotosI, Mexico, b. at Guanajuato, Mexico, 26 June, 1840. Education : England ; Sapientia College, Rome. Ordained 1863; parish priest in England; later at Guanajuato, serving as chaplain to Emperor Maxi- mihan; Bishop of Tamaulipas, 1871-1879; Bishop of Linares, 1879-1884; Bishop of San Luis PotosI, 1884- . Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, 1887; Knight Grand Cross of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight of Isabella the Catholic, Knight Commander of Charles the Third; member of the Madrid Academy of languages and history.

ARTICLES: Caballero y Ocio, Juan; Caracas (oh San- tiago De Venezuela), Archdiocese of; Chachapoyas, IDio- cese of; Chihuahua, Diocese of; Chilapa, Diocese of; Mex- ico, Archdiocese of; San Luis PotosI, Diocese of.

Mooney. Education: public schools. Began career as a teacher; entered a newspaper office 1879; attached to Bureau of American Ethnology, Wash- ington, 1885- ; married lone Lee Gaut, of Tennessee, 1897. Has conducted extended field investigations among the Indians of the South and West, notably the Cherokees; has prepared Govern- ment Indian Exhibits for Chicago, NashviUe, Omaha, and St. Louis Expositions; discovered Cherokee ritual. Member of American Anthropological Asso- ciation; Anthropological Society of Washington; Mississippi Historical Association; Gaelic Society, Washington (first president); American Association for the Advancement of Science; Washington Academy of Sciences. Author of: "Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees", 7th Report, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1891); "Siouan Tribes of the East", Bulletin 22, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1895); "Ghost-dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890", 14th Report, Part 2, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1896) ; ' ' Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians " , 17th Report, Part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1898); "Myths of the Cherokee", 19th Report, Part 1, Bureau of American Ethnology (Washington, 1900); "Cheyenne Indians", Mem. American Anthro- pological Association, Vol. I, Part 6 (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1907); contributor to: "Therapeutic Gazette"; "Harper's Monthly".

ARTICLES: Blackfoot Indians; Caddo Indians; Cherokee Indians; Chippewa Indians; Choctaw Indians; Cceur d' Alpine Indians; Cree; Creeks; Delaware Indians; Dom- ENECH, Emmanuel-Henri-Dieudonn^; Duponceau, Peter Stephen; Eskimo; Espejo, Antonio; Flathead Indians; Ghost Dance; Guaicuri Indians; GuaranI Indians; Hopi Indians; Illinois Indians; Indians, American; Iroquois; Isletta Pueblo; Jemez Pueblo; J£baro Indians; Kalibpel Indians; Kaseaseia Indians; Kickapoo Indians; Kiowa Indians; KuTENAi Indians; Lake Indians; Lesubur, Francois Eustace; Lillooet Indians; Lorette; Lul6 Indians; Lummi Indians; Maina Indians; Maipuhe Indians; Maliseet Indians; Mame- Luci Indians; Mandan Indians; Mascoutens Indians; Mataco Indians; Maya Indians; Mayo Indians; Mayoruna Indians; Mazatec Indians; Mbaya Indians; Mengarini, Gregorio; Menominee Indians; Miami Indians; Mission- Indians (of California); Missions, Catholic Indian, of the United States; Mixe Indians; Mixteca Indians; Mocovi Indians; Montagnais Indians (Quebec); Moxos Indians; Mozetena Indians; PakawA Indians; Pano Indians; PApago Indians; Peba Indians; Penelakut Indians; Penobscot Indians; Peo- ria Indians; Pericui Indians; Pima Indians; Piro Indians; PisCATAWAY Indians; Potawatomi Indians; Pouget, Jean Francois-Albert du; Pueblo Indians; Puyallup Indians; Quamichan Indians; Quapaw Indians; Quiche; Quichua In- dians; QuiNTANA, Augustin; Ravalli, Antonio; Ribas, Andres Perez de; Romero, Juan; Sahagt^n, Bernardino de; Sahaptin Indians; Saint-Cosme, Jean Franqois Buisson de; Saint Francis Mission; Saliva Indians; Salvatierra, Juan MARfA; Samuco Indians; Sanetch Indians; Sarayact^ Mission; Sechelt Indians; Sena, Balthasar; Seneca Indians; Setebo Indians; Shuswap Indians; Siletz Indians; Sioux Indians; SipiBO Indians; Sobaipura Indians; Songish Indians; Spokan Indians; Squamish Indians; Swinomibh Indians; 'Tacana In- dians; Taensa Indians; Tait Indians; Tamanao Indians; Taos Pueblo; Thompson River Indians; Ticuna Indians; TiMucuA Indians; Toba Indians; Tonica Indians; Tonkawa Indians; Totonac Indians; Yazoo Indians.

Mooney, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph F., LL.D.,> Ph.D., vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, b. in Pike County, Pennsylvania, 8 July, 1848. Education: St. Vincent's College, Beatty, Pennsyl- vania; St. John's College, Fordham, and St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1871 ; profes- sor, St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, 1871-1879; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Newburgh, New York, 1879- 1890; rector, Sacred Heart Church, New York City, 1890- ; domestic prelate 1890; vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, 1892- ; protonotary Apostolic 1904; chairman of the School Board, archdiocese of New York. Member of various ecclesiastical corporations. New York.

ARTICLES: Consultobs, Diocesan; Corrigan, Michael Augustin; New York, Archdiocese of.

Mooney, Jambs, b. at Richmond, Indiana, 10 Moore, Reverend Thomas V., c.s.p., lecturer in February, 1861, son of James and Ellen Devlin Pastoral Medicine and instructor in Psychology,