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Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/287

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CORRIGENDA, KTC, TO VOL. I. 277 ARDES. See ** MoNTGoifSRT of ths Grsat Aadbs, CO. Down, Visoounty [L] {MoHtfoumf) «r. 1662 ; «». 1757. ARDFERT. t.«., "Crobbib op Abdfbrt, 00. Kerry," Visoountcy [I.] (Orosbie), er. 1771 ; «r., with the Earldoii of Qlahdobb [L], 1816 ; see " Brahdom " Barooy [I.], er, 1768 ; ex, 1882, under the 2d Baron. ARDFRY. See " Wallbgovrt of Ardfrt, go. Gal way," Barony [L] {Blake), er, 1800. line 20, efler *• Norfolk/' Uufrl " wu b. 11 Jane 1694, end " P 119 ; in margin, /0r " Baron*, remd '^ Barony." DeU linei 14 to 28, and ituerl Mi under — See "PiBURBPONT OF ARDGLA88," BaroHv [I.] (PierrepotU), er, 1703 ; CUB., with the Barony of Pibbbbfoht op Habslapb [BJ, 1714. See '*Barrington of Ardolabs, oo. Down," Viscouutcy [I.] (Barring- Urn), er, 1720. ..«..___.——__ See"LBOALB of Ardolass, co, Down," Barony [I.] (tf*ttzgerald), er, 1800 ; ac 1810. ARDRILL. See "Db Blaquibrb of Ardkill, go. Londonderry," Barony [I.] (Skiqmiere)^ er, 1800. ARDILAUN OF ASHFORD. note (»), line 4, dele *< (1) " ; line 6, fer "of iteelf would be," read " fact ia, of itwlf*' ; dele lines 6 to 13, from "(2)" to *M640," and ineert "In the eame writ hia father ia aam., ahe aa Lord Cromwel], tho', beinc Vicar General, placed (aa auoh f) at the head of the Hat " ; line 18, after ** father," ineert ** the Earl of Eaaex (who had been so er, in April, but who waa attainted and beheaded in July 1640.) " P 120 ; dele line 8 to end, ineert ae under — ARDMANAGH, ARDMANNAGH, or ARDMANNOGH.(^) t,6,f " Brbohin, Navar and Ardxanach," Barony [SJ (Steicari), er, 1481, with the Earldom op Rom [S.], which aee ; ex., with the Dukidom op Ross [8,], 1604. M., "Edirdalb or Ardmanaoh," Earldom [S.] (Stewart), er, 1488 with the DuKKDOii op Ross [S.], wbich see ; ex, 1604. t.«., *' Ardmannoch," Barony [S.1 (S/uaW), er. May 1565, with the Earldom op Ross [S.] ; aee "Albany" Dukedom [S.], er» Jufy 1665, the grantee being the King Consort [S.]; merped in the crown [S.J 24 July 1567. t.0., "Ardmankoch," Biirony [S.] (Stuart), er, IGOO with the Dukbdom OP Albamt [S.], which see ; merged in the Cre^en 1625.