278 GORRIOBNBA, ETC., TO VOL I. ARDROSSAN. f e., " Ardrobsan of Ardrossan, oo. Ayr," Barony (Montgomerie er. 1H06 ; SM ** Bgumton," Barldom [3.], ^- 1508, ander the 12th Barl. ARDS 8ee Audks. ARDSALLAGH or ARDSALLA. ue^t " Ludlow of Ardsallagu, co. Meath/' Barouy [I.] (Ludlow), er, 1755 ; see " Ludluw/' Eaildoui [I.], cr. 1760 ; «jr. 1842. i.e., *' PRiesTOK of Audsallaqii, co. Meath," Vispountcy [I.], {Ludlow), er, 1760 with the Eauldou ov Ludlow [, which >ee ; ex, 1842. %,e,, '* AuBBRiJEY OF Ahbbrlbt, CO. Glouoestcr, and op Ardsalla, co. Heath/' Viaoountcy {^Mu$hU), cr, 1861 with the Earldom of Russbll of KiMoaroN RU88SLL, which see. inuri a» 9aid note " (^) 'Ardmannach was a generic name including Avach and Eddirdale held by the Douglas family pravious to their forfeiture, the chief messuage of Avach being Ormond (known also as Douglas) Castle/ [Letter of Q. Burnett, Lyon]. See also vol. vi, p. 188, note (*) ntb Ormond." P- 121. This page is (erroneously) numbered *< 123," correct aooordinglv to 121 " ; in margin deU lines 1 to 6, as also for ** SarU, read " Earldom." Ms lines 2 to 5 and sHclote lines 1 to 18 within square lines ; line 5, after *' h," iutert " of Giles db Arobntins ; sue his father in 12S3 and was " ; line 25» after '<«!.," ineert *< before 9 KprH 1466" ; line 26, after ("Stbwart,") ineert '* 2nd " ; line 27, for " or Lord Lome and," read " but afterwards Lord ; " line 87, after ** 1488," ineert **She was living 81 Jan. 1498, but probably il. 16 Oct 1510 at Dumbarton, and was bur. at Kylmon "(*) and ineert ae aaid note " (*) The question is whether the 'obUue YebeUe Stuart, Oomitieee de Argflte,' [FortirffoWe Ckroniete] relates to her, or to the wife of her son." p. 122 ; in margin,//r •* 1576," iwuZ" 1673." Line S.iiftor '*«!.," intert " befoni I Feb. 1609 "; line 21, for *• Sep. or Oct. 1529," read '* 1629, before 26 Maii3h,"(») and insert as eaid note ** (*) date of will of the Earl of Arran [S.], who mentions his da. (wife of the 4t!i Earl) as being Countess of Argyll "; line 82, after "firstly," ineert " before 26 March 1629 "; line 34, after •* secondly," add " 21 April 1641, at the Priory of Inchmahome"; line 36, after " Barubougle," ineert '* He m. thirdly, before 28 Jan. 1646, Catharine MaoLain, who was Uien living [Hiet. MS^, Com., 4th liep., part i, p. 477]"; line 46, after «' firstly," add (contract 1 July 1663)"; Hue 47, for '*John (Caksjicuabl), Lord Carmichakl [S.]," read "Sir John Bbtbunb of Creich "; lines 49 and 60, deUfrom *' She " to '* House. He/' and ineert " l^om her he obtained, 28 June 1678, a divorce ' for desertion ,'(^) and in Aug. following "; ineert said note " (^)The case is said to be the first example of the kind in Scotland, and was under a ' convenient net of pari, phssed on April 80 of that y<Mur.' It was fraudulently alleged that the law had been so since Aug. 1560. The Earl's interest with the party of the Reformation, as also that of the ' father of his new wife, tended to their being able to carry this measure "; line 52, /or " 12 Sep. 1676," read ** (of the stone) shortly afterwards, nrobably in Sep., but certainly before Dec. 1673(®)" ; ineert said note " («) See letter of Joseph Bain, in ^N.andQ ,' 7th S., x. 139": line 63, after " 1684," inseH "The first wife, Jean, however, continued to hold the dower lands and was legitimated under the Great Seal, 18 Oct 1580, and d. 7 Jan. 1687/8, being bur, as * Countess of Argyll' among her ancestors at Holy rood." p. 123 ; line 7, after ** Johanna," insert " legitimated (1651) " ; line 8, for *^ second," read " third " ; line 10, fur " He m. secondly," rend ** The bill for Lady Lome's [sic] funeral in Westm. abbey, dat. 22 June 1676, may refer t«) her, but before 16 May 1675 he had m. secondly Annabel, or "; line 26, for *< before Oct 1694, Agnes," read '* between July 1692 and Oct 1694, Anne " ; line 26, after "[S.]," insert " She was Uving 8 May 1600." pp. 124 to 128 in margin, >br '* ICarquau," rMi Marqueasate " ;fur "Earla," rsoi; " Sarldom " ; for " Dukea," read " Dukedom."
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