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CORRIORNDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 279 p. 124 ; line 8, fwr '< 8," rtod « 8 and 1 " ; line 24, /r " Aberdeen/' fMiT ** Aber- deen(*) " and murt «• M/d wM *' ("), Tho' a Peer of Scotland he eat in the House of CommoDs ; see toI iii, p. 810, w^ ' Falkland ' " ; line 29, afier 1661, imt^i " when, having been attainted, mli hi» honmrM hecun% forfeited" ; line 82, for " Kilmain," read " Kilmiin ** : bHween lines 34 and 36, set a line of asterisks. P< 125 ; line 8, ./or *' he was attainted " read ** hsTing been attainted, all hie honourt hetmm9 forfeited " ; line ^yftr " Here," rend *' After a short and inglorious cam- paign"; line 11, after "father/* insert "had been." Between lines 18 and 19«  interi a line of asterisks ; line 19, >Vr " 10," read " 10 and 1 " ; line 88, after "m.," ineert « 12 March 1677/8, probably at Edinburgh" ; line 35, /or "or 21 Oct 1708, at his," read " 1708, at Cherton "; line 39,/0r " her," read" his "; line 40, for " 11," read " 2 and 11 "; line 31, after " 1680,'^ inoert ** at Ham house, Petersham." p. 126 ; line 13, /or "Thomas," read '« John" ; line 2t, for "16 April 1764," read " in Bniton street, 16 April 1767 " ; line 28, /or « 12," road "8 and 12." p. 127 ; lines 1, 20 and 42, for " 18," read'^i and 18 " ; for " 14," md *' 5 and 14 " ; for "15," read "6 and 15" ; line 18, after "1836," ineert "and was hur. 28

  • with nnusual honours/ at St. Anne's Soho"; line 19, after "vear," inoert

"Will pr. Nov. 1770" ; Hue B2, after "Huntingdon," intert "and Up. there, 17 Dec. 1733"; line 35, for "1793," read "1790, in Great Argyll street^ aged 57(>>) " and inurt a$ Mtd noU " {^) His marriage in Oct. 1793, at FeoTil, CO. Somerset, with ' Ladv Mary Taylor, da. of the Karl of Bective,' is in the Hibeminn Magazine " line 44,/9r 1766/' read " 1768 "; line 47,/or " LoH," read '• Baron " ; Hoe 49, a/ler •• 1810," imert "at Edinburgh " ; line 52, after " 1885," inoeri " and was 6irr. at Kensal Green, aged 60 " ; hne 53, after " 1889," inmt " at Inverary, and was hur. 10 Nov. at Kilmun. Will pr. Jan. 1840 " ; note " a," line 5, far « captiviting " read ** captivating." p. 128 ; lines 1 and 14, ftr " 16," r€od " 7 and 16 " ; for " 17/' ««d " 8 and 17 " ; Hne 6, /or " Aug. 1822," reod " Ang. 1802 " ; line 10, after « Colquhoun," intert " widow of Dr. George Cunningham Montbath, of Glasgow,"; Hne 12, after " 1 847," intert "at Inverary Castle, aged 69 " ; line 29, e^ "Thistle," <nifr< " He was fr. 7 April 1892, DUKE OF ARGYLL [U.K.]" ; line 30, after "1844," inteH " at Trentham " ; Hne 87 oontinue (Am; '^She d. 4 Jan. 1894, at Inverary Castle, aged 50, and was 6ttr. at Cannes, with her first husband. Will pr. at £1,857, gross, and at nothing net He m., thirdly, 30 July 1895, at the Chapel in the men who pomess above 100.000 acrcw in the United Kingdom, being in point of acreage (tho* by no means of rental) the 1 1th. See vol. ii, p. 51, note (*)." p. 129 ; note " b," line 1, after " thus," inteH "(more forcibly than grammatically)." p. 180 ; dele tbe last three lines and intert at under — i.e., " ARKiiOW in Ireland," llarony {tl.R.H. Prince Attgttstvn Frederick) er. 1801 with the TiUKKDOM or Suaaiz, which see ; e«. 1813. f.«?., " ArkiiOw" Barony {H.R.H. Prince Leopold) er. 1881 with the DuKRDOM OF Albany, which see. p. 131 ; in margin, for Barons and BaronesMfl," read " Barony " ; fnr Earls and OountMses," read Earldom." Line 4 and 6, dde " 1618," to " 1668," and intert " 1620 : ed. at Westm. School ; mat at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 6 Nov. 1635, being then 15; was sometime a student there; M.A., 1642; being, subsequently, 28 Sept. 1663, D.C.L. Was Sec to the Duke of York, 1649-58 ; Knighted, March 1657 ; Envoy to &fadrid, 1658-61 ; M.P. for Calliugton, 1651-6; Keeper of the Privy Pume, 1661 ; P.C.- 1662; Sea of State, 1662-74 "; Hne 7, /or "who formed," read *' principal members of "; Hne 15, after "household," intert "1674-55; L.-Lieut of Suffolk, 1681 " ; Hne 18, /or " Henry," read " Louis," and for ** Lord of," read " Count ok Brtkrwabt and "; line 25. after " 1672," intert " and (again) 6 Nov. 1679 " ; line 81, for " Duke," read " Dukedom " ; deU the last 4 lines and intert ot under —