280 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. See "Ohaworth op Abmaqh," Yisoountoy [I.], (Chawarih), er. 1627; ex. 1644. __________^_____^^ See " RoKBBT op Ariiaqh," Barony [I.] (Robinson), er. 1777 ; ex. 1883 !.<•., "Armagh," Earldom [I.] (Ff.R.H. Prince JCrneat Augmtus er, 1709 with thtt DuKBDOM of Cdubbbland, which see. noU («) /or '* Galled the Cabal from/' read " What Maoaulay calls the ' whimsical coincidence ' of " ; after ** Lauderdale," inaert ** forming ' Cabal ' has led to that word being inseparably connected with them. Tho' 1678 is the earliest date given for its use in Dr. Murray's 'N.B.D./ it occurs as early as 27 April 1660 IN. df Q., 8th 8. vii, 167] and probably much earlier, being said to be derived from the Hebrew word KabbaU," p. 132 ; dele lines 1 to 5 and interl ae under — AR^rSTRONG OF CRAGSIDE. i.e.f " Armstronq op Oragsidb, co. Northumberland/' Barony (Arm- itrong), cr. 1887 ; see vol. viii| p. 282, in sp|)endix. ARRACAN. See " Amherst of Arracan in tho East Indies" P^rldom (Amhenft), er. 1826. in margin, for *'Barls/' read "Earldom." Line 20, for ** widow m. in 1474," read '* marriage was apparently set aside before 1470,(>>'*) about which date his wife (still beiuR under 21) m. (her new husband being about 70) " ; and irnert at eaid note **{^) This date and these ages are given by J. B«in, F.S.A,. in The OenealttgiU, N.S., vol. iii., p. 64." Between lines 21 and 22 ineerl a line ; line 27, dele " CO. Bute " ; line 32, for ** David (Lindsay), Dukb or Montuo^k," read " Alexander (Lini>8.y), Kaul or Chawkokd " ; lines 33 to 35, dde from ** Hon." to " wife," and iuMcrt ** Alexander (Homk), 2d Loud Uomk [8.] by Nicholim, da. and li. of George Kkii, of Samuel8ton,(^^) " and ineert at taid note " {^) She is in Wood's Dituglat erroneously said to lie sister (not da.) of this lord, but for proof that she was sister to Marion, Countess of Crawford [S.] to Qeorge, Lord Home [S.], to John Home, the Abbot, &c, see Hiat. MS. Com. xii., Rep app. part viiL, pp. 157 (240-242) and 161 (255) " ; line 35, /or " but," read **of Yester, and " ; line 36, for '* 1513," read ** 16 Nov. 1504 by the Eccles. Court at Qlasgow(<>) " and intert attatdnoU"{*^)She was living 16 Jan. 1533/4, but d. before 10 July 1546"; line 36, for ** before 22 Nov. 1516," read ** in Nov. 1516, before the 22ud "; last line, /or ** before," read *' at his place of Kinneil, between 26 March (the date of his will, in which be directs to be 6ttr, at Hamilton) and " ; dele note {^) ; note (^), line 2, for " Grixel," read " Margaret" ; line 4. afier "[S.], " inteH <« was living ] 509." p. 133; in margin, /or " 1529 f" read "1529," aUo/or " 1574-5," read " 1576, to 1581." Line 17, for " let Earl." read " Earl " ; line IS, for " 15745," read " 1574/5. His widow was living 24 May 1579 " ; line 20, after " h.," intert b. about 1538 " ; between lines 81 and 82 intert a line ; note {^) dele lines 2 to 5 finnn " The," inasmuch as the error on page 6 there mentioned was set right when that page was cancelled and a new one substituted. p. 134 : in mai^n, /or <' Earls," read " Earldom," also for •« 1662," read " 1662 to 1 686." Line 1, for " (Stbwart) Earl or Lbnnox and March [S.]," read " (Stuart), Earl of Lkmnox, afterwardt Earl or Maroh [S.], formerly the widow of Hugh (Frasbr), Lord Lovat [S.]"; line 3, after husband," intert <*She <i. April 1590 " ; between lines 6 and 7, intert a line ; line 9, for *' Hamilton, cr. in 1559," read ** (Hamilton) 1st" ; line 11, after *' abovenamed," ituert **and had been er. {vildjtatit) 17 April 1599, Marqubss op Hamilton, Eakl op Arran, &c. [S.] " ; line 22, after " Scotland," intert ** br. and h. male " ; dele lines 28 and 29 and intert at under — -.—— ^__^— _ %.€., "Arran" Earldom [S,] {HamiUufi), cr.{9) 1599, with the Mar- quBMATi OP Hahxltoh [S.], which see.
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