GORRIOENDA, BTO., TO VOL. L 295 p. 229 ; in margin, fw " BarU," read " IBarldom/' Line 2, ddi ^'hh oouiin " : lines 8 And 4, dde from *'[S]" to "1691," and intrrt <*and Lord Sooni |;S.J tmdar the *pec. limitations regulating the sticoemion to tboae titles " ; dtU Imee 7 to 10, and iniert a« under — !.«., ** Murray, Balvany and Gask." Barony [S.j(ifurra^), er. 1676 with the Marquiojiati or Atholr [S.], which see. !.«., *• Murray, Balvbkii and Gask," Barony [8.] (Murray)^ er. 1703, iKith the DuRBDOM op Atholr [S.], which aee. dde lines 12 to 13, and iutert ae under — ue,, "Raith, Monymail and Balwkarib," Barony [S.] (Melville)^ er. 1690 with the Earldom of Mrlvillr, which see. BALWHIDDER, see Balquhiddbr. BAMBREICH, see Ballinbrbioh. line 19, /or "and,*' read "ed. at Mag. C<>11. Oxford ; was M.P. for Tregony 1571-80; for Oxfordshire, 1685.86 and 1592-1601; M.A. of Oxford. 27 Sep. 1592; r.G. and Comptrullor of the Household, 1596, having" ; line 22, for •* 10 Oct 1614," read " 1614 to 1619." Note (■), line 5, after '^Hen. VIII," add " and of Soi^thampton (1608) by James L" ]!. 231 ; line 8, for " embarassed," read *' embarrassed " ; line 9, after '* propertv," add "He was, however, L.-Lieut of Ozon and Berks, as also (1620) High Steward of Oxford " ; lines 11 and 12, dtU from ** in Oct 1606," to " remarriage," and iniert " 11 Sep. 1673. She d. at Minty 31 Oct 160$ and was bur. at Rotherfield Qrays." p. 232 ; note (»), line 32, deU '* privately." p. 234 ; line 16, for " Edward," read '< Michael " ; line 17, for <* was Uving Sep. 1696.(<l) He m. secondly," read " who was bap, 7 June 1668, at South Carltooi oo. Lincoln, was bur. as * Eliisabeth, Countess of Banburv ' 81 Deo. 1699 at Egham, Surrey. He m. secondly, 30 April 1702, at St Bride's, London " ; line 19, /or** in France," recui ** at Dunkirk, 26 and was bur, there 28"; line 20, after " 1762," add " at St James', Bath " ; line 26, for " he «.," rend *« Major in the Ist troop of Horse Guards ; M.P. for Banbury, 1740, He m, his first cousin " ; line 28, for " was bur. with her husband, read " who survived her hnaband over 60 years, cf. 14 Oct 1790 in Park street, Qrosvenor square, in her 80th year, and was 6ttr. with him." Note i^) conclude tkut, '* The Court of Delegates, after three-and-a-half years' trial, determined, 13 Jan. 1696/7, against the marriage with ' Mrs. Price ' and in favour of that with * Mrs. Lister,' who 'was a gentlewoman of goo<l reputation and had children b^ his Lordship,' whereas the other had none such and * had been a Player and mistress to several persons * ISee Luttrell's Diary, 14 Jan. 1696/7]." p. 236 ; Hue 6, /or " Sep," read " May "; line 27, after " Charlotte," add " Martha "; line 28, for " She d. before him," read ** by Mary, his wife. Marr. lie. on 22d at Winchester, he 21, she 18, both of St. Thomas in that city. She d, 5 Feb. 1818, in Paris." Note (i), line 8, for *Meave," rend "leaves,'^ and conclude the $aid note thue, " See some remarks, by ^L 1*. Pearman, on this decision in the Oenealoffiit, N.S., vol. i, pp. 42-46." p. 236; in margin, for "BaronB," read "Barony"; for " VisoountB," read '* ViBCOuntoy "; for " Earls," read " Barldom." Line 8, ttfler " 1S30," add "at St Oeo. Han. S(^.; dele lines 21 snd 22, and ineert **!«., 'Botlr of Bandon, CO. Cork,' Visoountcy [I.] (BoftU er, 1766 with the Earldom op SiiAWHOH [I.], which see"; Une 27,/or " M.P. for Bandon, 1783," iwrf " M.P. [I.] for Enuis, 1780, and for Bandon, 1783-90 '*; line 39, aHtr " 1809," add "at the cathedral of Cashel "; line 47, after " 1832," add '* at Brighton." p. 237; in margin, for TBaronB" rtad <« Barony." Dde lines 12 and 18, and ineert " t.d., * Bandonbridor, co. Cork,' Barony [I.] {Beyle), er, 1628, with the ViscouNTOT Botlr OF KiNALKRAKT [I,], wluch s«e "; dele lines 14 and 16, and
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