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296 OORRIOENDA, BTC, TO VOL L imitri " i^, ' Bahpov or BAVSonBiDOB, eo. Ooilt,' Buony [I.) mr. 1798 ; Vb- oonntey [I.] ^r. 1795 (Bimard) ; aee 'Bakdoh' Earldom [I. j "; line 20, dtU

    • MoDtroM and "; line 81 , fir •' office," rtad '* office^*)," and itunl tu mid noU

and iti^tri at said noU " (b^), The tUte given in Row's diary (above quoted) it SO Jan. 1718, and he is there called 'an man of an very eivell life* *' Th 238; in margin, for "Barons,*' r§ad "Barony"; /er *" Viaoonnta, r§0d " Viaoountoy " ; for " 11," rvmf " I." Une 2, afUr " m." add ** 18 Aug. 1786. at the Fleet priaon " ; line 10, /or '* 1742. Capturad," rmd *• of ' the Haatinga ' man-of-war, 1742-48, when he captured'*; line 11, i|/}«r *' year," mW and was hur, 10 Miiy 1747, at St Martin*i-iu-ihe-Fielda *'; line 12, Jtn- ** John," rtmd " Jamea "; deU linei 41 aud 42, and inurt ** t.#., ' Bamoob, oo. Down,' Earldom [I.] {Schofubtrp), cr, 1691 with the Ddkbdom of Lbik8tbb [I.] ; aee 'Schoubbeo' Dukedom, er. 1689 under the 8tl Duke ; all titlea beooming as. 1719.'* p. 239 ; line 4, ajter *' Somerset," read ** 7 and waa kur. in the abbey there 20 "; line 15, after " 1841," in**ri " at Dublin "; line 81,ybr" Baron," rtad '* htironj {Slphm- tiofu)"; dels lines 31 and 85. and iuMsri ' Banicow, oo. Wexford, Burony [I.] {Chtevtrt), cr. 1080 by Jamea II.. after hia dei>uaition from the Knpluk thnme, with the ViiOOiiNTCY ok MuuMT-LuNaTiB [I.], which see ; «r. 1693"; deU line* 87 and 88 and inxtrt " <>., < Bantrt, co. Cork,' Barony [I.] ( Jioper)^ a [27 June] 1627, with the Vukk)UNTcy ov BALTUCOLASfl [L], which see; ex. 16tf2. i.e., 'Saundbrsok of Bantrt, oo. Cork,' Barony [1.1 {Saundenon), er. [11 July] 1627, with the yisoouNTOT of Castliton [L], which see ; ex. (with the Karldom of Caatleton) 1723." p. 240 ; in margin, for ** Barons," reak2 *' Barony ;" for '* Viaoounta." read '< Viaoountcy ;" for " BarU." read " Barldom " ; for " 1884," read " 1884 to 1891." Liue 1,/ar '* Wliite," read ** White{*»)," and add a$ eaid noU *' (»») See Mie. Oen, et Her. , N.8., vol. i, p. 60, for an intereating account uf thia family uf White" ; liue 9. /«/r "Nov. 1799." read "at Cork, 3 Nov. 1799 (a|iec. lie)" ; line 11, after *' 1851," add " nt Qleugariff lodge, oo. dirk, ag«d 83 " ; liue 14, after ** 1886," and liue 20, after " 1845," adil " at St Geo. Han. sq. " ; line Id, after "Hanta." add "Will pr. Nov. 1868, under 490,000"; line 24, Jor " (1885)," read *' (1897) " ; line 26, after " 1854," add " He m., 18 Peb. 1886, at Kotue, Itosainund, da. of the Hon. Edmund Qeorge Pvnii (fith s. of the 8th Bauom Pbtrk or Writtli), by Mary Anne Jane, da. of Loraine M. Kkru. He d. s.p., 80 Nov. 1891, in his 38th year at Mount M^rriim, co. Dublin, when all hie honoun became eaUinet. Will pr. at £44,480 gross and £18,639 net Hia widow, who waa 5. 25 Aug. 1857, living 1897. Between linea 88 and 39, Uteert oj Mnder. — BARD OF DROMBOY. i.e., ** Bard of Drombot, co. Meath," Barony [I.], (Bard), er. 1645, with the ViscouMTOT or Billomont [I.], which see ; ex. 1660. hist line, before '* 29," iuteH " about" read after , -_, -.^_. -„ , -.-,, ^(BlAU- ORAMP), Karl op WaRWiOK, by Catharine, da. of Koger (Mohtimbr), Karl ov March " ; liue 18, after ^ widow," aM " who m. Sir Walter Ookksky, of Cokeaey, CO. Worcester"; line 14, after "h," read "b. 13 Jan. 1312" ; liue 21, for '* He d. 5 Aug. 1868, aged 50," read and was living, 1360, at hur mother's deatli. He d. at Aasisi, in Itoly, 29 [not 81] July 1363, aged 51 " ; liue 23, after " h," odd *' 5. Aug. 1850 " ; Une 26, alter " Joane," add ** widow of Sir John de MniavMB rSuMAz Arch. Onll. xv. 15. aub PovninffHl " : line 28. deU *' befura " : hist line, 6e/or0 '* 29," iutert " about" h 241 ; in margin,/or " 1885 to 1406-7," rmd " 1386 to 1408." Line 8, for '* 85," '* 80 "; line 7. after ** his widow," add *' who was b. 25 March 1258 "; line 9, i

    • 5," add ** 4 Oct 1282 " ; line 12, after '* Agnes," add *' da. of Thtunas (Bi