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306 OORRIQBNDA, BTO., TO VOL. I. p. 303; 11m 5, /r •'pmoniUtj," rtad pmonahy"; Una SI, fur »8W rmi

    • B» d. li Jan. 1891 at 81 Baton •auare, haTing ahot himaelf ' (temporaiy

inaanity during pneamonia)/ aged 71. Peraooalty iS280,070 groaa and £212,292 net Hia widow who " ; line 23, nftar « V. A." add " 8d olaai. She d, auddenly at Latimer Houae, Oheaham, 22 April 1897, aged 78. Both were cremated at Woking, their aahei being bur. at Cheniea *' ; dd€ linea 24 to 80 and immrt at under. 10 and H. Gborgb Wiluam Francib Saok- YiLLi (RuasiLL), DuKB OF BiDVOBD, eto., let a. and h., 6. in 1 89 1 . Baton place weat 16 April and hap, 24 May 1 862 at Knole, oo. Kent ; <<^eif Ma&qubss op Tayktock, 1872-91 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford; B.A, 1874; waa M.P. for Beda., 1875-85; Sheriff of Beda., 1889 ; «««. to <iU peerage, aa above 14 Jan' 1891. He m. 24 Oct. 1876 at the Royal chapel, WhitehaU- Adeline Kary, 2d and yat. aurr. da. and coheir of Charlea Somera (Sombbs-Cooks), 8d Earl Sommbbs, by Viiginia, da. of Jamea Pattlr. He d. a.p. auddenly, of heart complaint, at 87 Oheaham place, 23 March 1898, aged 40, and waa hur. at Cheniea. Admon. at £339,102 groaa and £821,851 net. Hia widow, who waa 6. 24 May 1852, Uving 1897. Dukedom. '^ XIV. Barldom. XVIL 11 and 16, Hsrbrand Arthur (Russell), Dukb OF Bbdiobd [1694], Mabqubbs or Tavutook [1694], Babl 1893. OP BiDFOBD [1550], Babon RaasBU. [1539], Baroh RuaaBU. op TaoBMHADQH [1603], and Babov Howland op Strbatbam [16951 only br. and h., 6. 19 Feb. 1858 in Eaton place weat ; 9iijUd LoBD Hbbbbamd Rubsbll, 1872-93 ; matr. at Oxford (Ball. ColL), 24 Jan. 1877 ; aometime an officer in the Qren. Quarda ; aerred in the BgypUan campaign, 1882 ; A.D.C. to the Viceroy of India, 1885-86 ; eue, to Ihe peerage^ 28 Mardi 1893. He m. 31 Jan. 1888, Mary du Caurroy, da. of the Yen. Walter Harry Tbibb, Archdeacon of Lahore^ by (— ), da. of Admiral Sir Henry Dude Cbadb, O.O.B. [Hastingb-WiluamSaokvillb Russsll, 9tyled Marqubss opTayistook ainoe 1893 ; only a. and h. ap., b. 21 Deo. 1888]. p. 304 ; in margin for ** 1296," read '< 1295 to 1304." Line 5, after " York," add**b, before 12S0 " ; Hue 8, eondude " He d. 8.p.m.a. in 1303 — 1304, when any Barony er, by the writ of 1295 fell into abeyanee{'<*) " ; dels linea 10 to 12 ; line 14, aft0r " [I J " insert " (Stratford) " ; line 31, after *• 1620/1 " insert " She d before Dec 1657" ; efter '•aecondly," add "at »t. Yedaat'a, l^ndon." Note («), line I, for " The coheira were hia aiBtera," read " Hia only a. and h. ap., Walter Beke, living 1 Aug. 1301, d. v.p. and a.p. soon afterwarda (aee CoU. Top, ei (?€«., iv, 331-345, where ia an elaborate account of tbia family). The coheira were hia daughtera." p. 305 ; line 1, for ** Lord," read " Baron " ; line 6, after " m.," add •' before Sep. 1672" ; line 11, ttfter "1722," add "being bur. 16 at Deene, co. Northampton. Admon. 1 Dec 1727 " ; linea 28. 29 and 31, after " [I.]," add " (CkicKetter) " ; line 40, after ** Barony," add " (Chraham)." p. 306 ; line 1, efier " Yiacountcy," add " (Cfrotvenor) ; " line 10, for " May 1611," read " 12 Jan. 1610/1, at St. Mary'a Wolnoth, London " ; line 13, deU houae " ; line 26, for " Not. 1656," read '* 24 Oct. 1666." Note («) conclude thus, " The atrange admon. of 1656 ia explained by hia having fled to England, leaving hia cloak and hat on Solway moaa, hia wife, accordingly, giving out that he waa drowned, and going into mourning. He remained, working aa a gardener, for 6year8. See ^ DomeaUo Annala in Scotland ' in Oent. Mag^ for July 1841, p. 41." p. 307 ; note (>), line 18, for « 6th aon," read " 7th and yat. aon, d. 1781, aged 86, being great great grandfather of the 10th and preaent (1897) Lord " ; fine 21, dste ** grandMn and h." p 308 ; line 2, /or ** (to whom he waa indebted by," read " (whom he m, in 1674 and to whom he waa indebted for"; line 11, for "London," read •'Edinborgh oaatlc" Note (•), line 1, for " g," read « t"