GORRIOENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 307 p. 309 ; line 82, ufUr " Unark,** ocii ** He cL i.p.in. at Bdinlmrgh^ 6 Sep. 1898, aged 71. Hia widow UTing 1897 X. 1893. 10. Albzander Charles (Hamilton), Lord Bblhavsn AND SmiToir [8. 1647], 4th oousio and h. male, beins 2d but then let aoiT. a. and h. male of William John Hamilton, by hia aecond wife Margaret Franoea, da. of Henty Auguatas, (Lin-Dillon), 13th Visoount Dillon or Costbllo [I.], whioh William John (who d 26 June 1867, aged 61), waa a. of William Richard Hamilton, aometime Minister at Naplea (d. 11 July 1869, aged 82), a. of Anthony Hamii/ton, D.Dm Archdeacon of Coldieiiter ((£. 4 Oct 1812, aged 73), a. of Alexander Hamilton, of London, Solicitor (ci. 1781, aged 87), who waa yet br. of Robert Hamilton, anceetor of the 9tb Lord. [See tabular pedigree in toK i, p. 807]. He waa 6. 8 July 1840 ; sometime an officer in the Royal Engineers, aenring in the Zulu war 1879, and retiring aa Colonel. F.R.Q.S. He nie. to tA« peerage [S.J 6 Sep. 1898, hia claim thereto being established in July 1894. He m. 7 July 1880, Qeorgiana Katharine^ da. of Legh Ricumond*'=f p. 310 ; line 18, for « Master of Roxbuigh," read ** Lord Ker '* ; line 22, e^ter ** 1682," add " and before 1686 " ; line 24, for " 1726/6," read *« 1726/6 (bb) *^ and mU oa mid noU " (bb) According to Wood'a Deuplae, she m. thirdly 'Samuel Collina, M.D., who dL in April 1710,' but that gentleman, who d, aged 92, left a widow aurriTiog him, vii. Catliarine, Dow.-Countesa of Gamwath [S.]. There were three con- temporary Doctors of that name, but, of the other two, one died in 1670 and the other in 1686 " ; line 84, for "firstly in 1744 (— ) da." read " 13 March 1749, at Erith, Blisabetb,(e) da."; lines 36 and 36, dele "He m.*' to *' Woolwich"; line 40, dde *' by 2nd wife "; line 44, for " She d, in," read *' a mulatto woman. She dL in Golden square.*' Note (*) eondude ** He ia sometimea Unoorrectly) said to hare m. secondly, in 1760, Eliaabeth, da. of Qeorge Campbell, Storekeeper at Woolwich, but the will of William Robins, of Portaea, proved 1768, mentiona aa hia nieoe Elizabeth, Lady Ker Bellenden, da. of Richuti Brett, of Deptford." p. 311 ; line 29, after " Jamea II," add " to whom he was P.C. [I.]. KnigKied, made Qov. of Louth, and " ; line 30, after *' [I.]" add '* He waa in command of a Reg. of Infantiy in Ireland, and was one of the Peers of Jamea Il'a part [I.] in 1689 " ; line 83, /or "shortly afterwards," read "from the effeota tnereof, six montha afterwarda on the 12" ; line 84, after " Weatm.,",«(li '* but waa removed to Duleek the April following, M.I. He had been outlawed in 1691 " ; e^ter "relict," add "She d. 1694.^' Note (b), line 16, for <! William (Sarafield) 2nd," read "David (Sarafield) 3d." p. 312 ; line 4, for " Stafford," read " Strafford " ; Une 6, ^fUr " 1728/4, add ' and waa hur, 19, at St. PauVa, Covent Garden " ; line 8, after ** rtelored," add " and sat in the House of Lords [I.], 1707 " ; mfUr " in," add " July " ; Une 11, e^fter "1714," add "Hia widow waa 6ttr. 4 Jan. 1786/6, at St. Audoen'a, DabUn"; line 13, /or '* Rome, in Dec," read " Lucca, 13 Sep." ; line 16, after "aeoondly," add " in 1737 " ; line 19. after " Cork," add " She d. m London, 19 Maroh 1741/2 " ; line 22, for « 1770," read " Aug. or Sep. 1770, at Liale " ; Ime 29, /or " 17," read " 10 " ; line 30, after " 1829," add "at the Manor houae, Bathampton, by spec lie" ; line 36, after " Dublin," add " bap. 7 at the Rom. Cath. Cathedral, Marlborough atreet, DubUn " ; Une 36, after " 1833," add " at the Rom. Cath. church of Connahy, oo. Kilkennv " ; Une 37, after " Kilkenny," add " He d. suddenly at Kaiserhof, Bad Manheim, Frankfort-on-the-Maine, 28 July 1896, aged 66. His will pr. at £23,636, by Annie Graham Smith 'of the flahery Maidenhead, and 87, Cadogan plaoe,' the sole legatee Hia widow Uving 1897. IIL 1896. 3. ChariiBS Bbrtram (Bbllbw), Baron Bbllbw of Babmbath [I. 1848], alao a Baronet [1. 1688], 2d but lat surv. a. and h.,(>») 6. 19 and bav. 26 April 1866 in the Rom. Cath. church at Balbriggan ; aometime Capt 6th batt royal Iriah riflea ; fiie. to the peerage [I.] 28 July 1896. He m. 10 Aug. 1883, Mildred Mary Joaephine, lat da. of Sir Humphrey DB Tbatpobd, 2d Bart., of Trafford Park, oo. Mancheater, by Mary Annette, sister and coheir of Bertram Arthur (Talbot), 17th Eabl op Shrbwbbubt." add ae noU "(m) Hia eldeat br. Patrick George BeUew, hap, 12 Deo. 1868 at the Rom* Cath. church at Comahy, <l. unm. and v. p. 26 May 1874."
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