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1565-6 (D. A. 541, m. 76).

Xmas 'Sebastian Westcote M^r of the £20 3 Jan. (W.).
(3 plays) Children of Powles . . . for
              two seūall playes . . . at the
              Courte . . . and one other also
              before her Ma^{tie} at the Ladye
              Cecilias Lodging at the Savoye.'

1566-7 (D. A. 541, m. 92).

Xmas 'Sebastyan Westcote M^r of £13 6s. 8d. 11 Jan. (W.); D. vii.
(2 plays) the children of Powles.' 322 (12 Jan.).

Shrovetide 'John Taylor M^r of the Children £6 13s. 4d. 13 Feb. (W.); D. vii.
(9-11 Feb.). of Westm^{r}.' 327.

Shrovetide 'Richarde Farraunte M^r of £6 13s. 4d. 16 Feb.; D. vii. 331
(9-11 Feb.) the children of Windsore.' (W. 17 Feb.).
[11 Feb.].[1]

1567-8 (D. A. 541, mm. 102-3).

Xmas. 'John Tailer M^r of the Children £6 13s. 4d. 10 Jan. (W.). F. 119. ' theis playes Tragides
              at Westm^r.' and Maskes . . . viz. . . . seven
                                                                                                         playes, the firste namede as
Xmas 'The Lord Ryches Plaiers.' £13 6s. 8d. 11 Jan. (W.). playne as canne be, The
(2 plays). seconde the paynfull plillgrimage,
                                                                                                         The thirde Iacke and Iyll,
Xmas 'Sebastian Westcote M^r of the £13 6s. 8d. 13 Jan. (W.). The forthe sixe fooles, The
(2 plays). Children of Powles.' fiveth callede witte and will,
                                                                                                         The sixte callede prodigallitie,
Shrovetide 'William Hunnys M^r of the £6 13s. 4d. 3 Mar. (W.). The sevoenth of Orestes and
(29 Feb.-2 Children of the Quenes Ma^{tes} a Tragedie of the Kinge of
Mar.). Chappell . . . for . . . a Tragedie'. Scottes, to y^e whiche belonged
                                                                                                         diuers howses, . . . as Stratoes

Shrovetide. 'Richarde Ferrante M^r of the £6 13s. 4d. 1 Mar. (W.).
              children of Windesore.'