presented them with the Original.
Came on at Winchester the Trials of Sir Simon Clarke, Bar. and Lieut. Robert Arnott, who were convicted of a Robbery on the High-way. A numerous concourse of Gentry were present; Sir Simon made a most pathetick and moving Speech which had such an Effect, that there was scarce a dry Eye in the Court. The High-Sheriff and Grand-Jury, considering the Antiquity, Worth and Dignity of Sir Simon's Ancestors, the Services they had done their King and Country, together with the Youth and melancholly Circumstances of that unhappy Gentleman, agreed to address his Majesty on their behalf; upon which a Reprieve sine Die was granted them.
Came on a Trial at Guildhall in an Action of Scandal for Words spoken by the Defendant, to prevent the Plaintiff's being admitted a Sollicitor in the High Court of Chancery, which being undeniably proved, the Plaintiff recover'd 100l. Damage.
Monday, March 8.
Charlsworth and Cox, two Sollicitors, convicted of Forgery, stood on the Pillory at the Royal Exchange, pursuant to their Sentence; the first was severely us'd by the Populace, but the other was very much favour'd and protected by 6 or 7 Fellows who got upon the Pillory to screen him from the Insults of the Mob.
Five Malefactors were executed at 'Tyburn, viz. Wm Maynee, for erasing and altering two Endorsements on a Bank Note of 50l. John Chapel for the Murder of Mary Martin; George Wych, alias Wheat, Thomas Andrews, and Wm Williams, all three for Robberies on the Highway. See p 128.
Alexander Russel, the Foot Soldier, who was capitally convicted for a Street-robbery in January Sessions, was reprieved for Transportation, but having an Estate fallen to him, he obtain'd a free Pardon.
Tuesday, March 9.
Upwards of 100 Convicts removed from Newgate, to be transported to America.
Wednesday, March 11.
'Tis advised from Belfast in Ireland, that 5 or 6 Rogues lately broke into the House of Tr. Gilliland, near Glenarm, in the County of Antrin and pillag'd it, except one Room, which was defended by two young Men, who had two Swords and Fork; one of the Rogues being got half within the Door, was stabb'd with the Fork, which made him drop his Broadsword and cry out; upon this the others fled, and left him a Prisoner with the young men, who carried him next Day to Carrickfergus Gaol.
Friday, March 12.
The Assizes ended at Northampton when the six following Persons received Sentence of Death. viz. William Walker, and Tho. Parsons, for the Murder of John Hall; they were both Troopers in the Ld. Cobbam's Company, and committed the Murder on their being refused admittance into a Publick-houfe in Northampton late at Night; Thomas Chester, on the Black Act, for cutting down and destroying several young Oak-trees, belonging to John Blencowe, of Marston, Esq. Tho. Brown and John Wood, a Foot-soldier in the 3d Regiment of Foot-guards, for Burglary; and William Fisher, for Horse-stealing. Chester, Brown, Fisher, and Parsons, were repriev'd for Transportation.
It is remarkable, that at the Assizes held at Oakham for the County of Rutland, there was no Prisoner, nor one Cause try'd.
The Assizes ended at Chelmsford, for the County of Essex, when seven Persons were capitally convicted; three of whom were repriev'd for Transportation; and the 4 following order'd for Execution, viz. AliceWhite