White, for Murder and Burglary, Brewer White, her Son, for Burglary; Rich. Appleyard, for a Robbery on the Highway; and Eliz. Gossard, for forging a Note of Hand and Bond of one Mr. Sam. Mortier, of Colchester.
Saturday, March 13
Juftice Webster sent for Justice De Veil to a Coffee-house in Leicester-fields, when Words arising, the former struck the other; on which Mr. De Veil retreating to draw his Sword, Mr. Webster stab'd him in the Belly about 5 Inches deep. The Quarrel was occasion'd by Justice Webster's superseding a Warrant granted by Mr. De Veil against an Irishman, who was Mr. Webster's Country-man.
Monday, March 15.
Mr. Creech was chosen Head Master of Merchant-Taylors School, by the Court of Assistants, in the room of Dr. Smith, deceased; and the Rev. Mr. Fryton, Curate of St. Bartholomew's and Lecturer of St. Martin's Outwich, succeeds Mr Creech as second Master; the Rev. Mr Broaker, Curate of Walbrook, succeeds Mr Fayton as third Master; and the Rev. Mr. Barns Curate of Chiselhurst, succeeds Mr Broaker as Under-master.
Wednesday, March 17.
At the Assizes lately held at Monmonth, a Bayliff was convicted of taking Money to excuse Freeholders from their Attendance at the Assizes, and fined for his first Offence 40s. for his second and third, 5l. each, pursuant to the late Act for the better Regulation of Juries, which was observed on the Circuits had so good an Effect as to put a stop to the pernicious Practice of corrupting Juries.
Friday, March 10.
A Grant passed the proper Seals from the Crown to her Majesty, of the Mannor of East Greenwich in Kent, and after her decease, to Pr. William, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Emilia, and for the Life of the survivor of them.
Monday, March 22.
Letters from Teneriff advise, that a great Storm had done incredible Damage to that Island, by blowing down Houses and Church Steeples, destroying Vineyards, and carrying Goats and Sheep into the Sea.
The Experiment intended to be made on the Ear of Cha. Ray, is laid aside, and he is to have a Pardon.
Wednesday, March 24.
Mess. Woodwards, two noted Bankers in Exchange alley, stopt Payment.
Tuesday, March 30.
The last Advices from Barbados, and the Leeward Islands, give an account, that they were in great want of Rain, particularly at Antigua, from whence (the Springs in that Island being salt) they sent to Mountserrat for fresh Water.
Wednesday, March 31.
Sir John Shelby's Lady, Sister to the Duke of Newcastle, was deliver'd of a Son at Sir John's House in Duke-street, Westminster.
The following Scots Proclamation for a Fair has been lately publish'd here.―O yes! and that's e'e time; O yes! and that's twaa times; O yes! and that's theird and last time: All manner of pearson and pearsons whasoe'er, let 'um draw near, and I shall let them kenn, that their is a Fair to be held at the muckle Town of Langholm for the space of aught Days; wherein if any Hustrin, Custrin, Land-louper, Dub-skouper, or Gang the gate Swinger, shall bread any Urdam, Durdam, Rabblement, Brabblement, or Squabblement, he shall have his Lugs tack'd to the muckle Trone, with a Nail of twal a Penny, untill he down of his Hobshanks, and up with his muckle Doaps, and pray to Hea'n, neen times God bless the King, and thrice the muckle Loard of Relton, paying a Groat to me, Jemmy Ferguson, Baily of the aforesaid Mannor.―So you heard my Proclamation, and I'll haam to my Danner.DEATHS