Deaths in MARCH, 1731.
No. III.
- ON the 20th past, the E. of Cromarty dy'd at Castle-Leod, in Scotland, in an advanced Age.
- March 1. Rob. Corker, Esq; Member of Parliament for Bossiney in Cornwal.
- ——— Wood of Woodstreet in Spittle-fields, Esq; a Justice of the Peace.
- This Day came Advice of the Death of General Bulau, Commander in chief of his Majesty's Forces at Hanover.
- Alfo, that Sir Gervase Clifton, Bar a Roman-catholick, dy'd at his Seat in Nottinghamshire, Feb. 27. The Dignity and Estate descend to his eldest Son, Sir Robert Clifton, Kt. of the Bath, and Representative in Parliament for the Borough of East-Redford.
- 2 The Rev. Mr. David Campredon, Vicar of Shepardswel and Coleredo, and Rector of Charlton.
- The Rev. Mr. Frank, Arch-Deacon of Bedford, Prebendary of Lincoln, and Rector of Cranfield in Bedfordshire in the last he is succeeded by his eldest son.
- Moses Hart, Esq; at Camberwel in Surrey, a Gentleman of Somersetshire.
- 3. In Childbed, the Wife of Sir William Billers, Kt. and Alderman.
- The Rev. Mr. Sherrier, Minister of Shawell in Leicestershire.
- The Rev. Dr. Richard Harris, in the 82d Year of his Age, at Breadwardine in Herefordshire, Minister of that Place and Leominster, which he enjoy'd upwards of 55 Years. It being in his own Gift, he dispos'd of it to his Son the Rev. Mr. Higgon Harris.
- At Rugby in Warwicksh. the Rev. Mr. Hen. Holyoak: He had been Schoolmaster of that Place above 40 Years, during which Time he sent great Number of finish'd Scholars to both Universities. He was Son to the learned Mr. Tho. Ho'yoak, Author of the celebrated Dictionary that bears his Name. He was a Gentleman universally esteem'd for his singular Learning and Humanity.
- 5. Geo. Cooke, Esq; one of the Gentlemen-Ushers, Quarter-waiters in ordinary to his Majesty, in which Place he is succeeded by his eldest Son.
- Capt. Edward Harrison, at his Lodgings in Piccadilly, many Years in Commission in the Reigns of King William and Queen Anne.
- 7. Mr. Hopton in Broad Sanctuary Westminster. He left a considerable Legacy to the Grey-coat Hospital; to his Sifter 2400l. per ann. and after her decease, 250 l. per ann. for ever to establish a School for the Education of Boys in the Mathematicks, to qualify them for the Sea-service.
- The Dutchess of Tyrconnel, Sister to the Dutchess Dowager of Marlborough, at Dublin, said to be 104 Years old.
- William, Earl of March, at Raynton, the Seat of his Father-in-Law the E. of Rutherglen, in the 35th Year of his Age, and has left Issue two Sons.
- An Express arriv'd at St. James's, with an account of the Death of the Princess of Anhault, her Majesty's Sister.
- 9. Thomas Twisdale, Esq; by whose Death an Estate of about 100 l. per ann. devolved to Joshua Stevens, Esq; a young Gentleman of Cambridge.
- Sir Horatio Pettus, Bar at his Seat at Rackheath in Norfolk, and is succeeded in Dignity and Estate by his second Son, now Sir John Pettus, Bar.
- 20. Mr. Moses Medina, a noted Jew, at his House in Bury street.
- The only Daughter of William Bridges, Esq; and Sister of Mr. Bridges of the Chancery Office.—600 l. per ann. and 6000 l. go from the Family by her Death.
- The Ld. William Manners, youngest Son to the Duke of Rutland.
- ——— Mulsoe, Esq. at Northampton. He was a Bencher of the Middle Temple, and formerly Clerk of the Affize of the Oxford Circuit.