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The Hiſtory of

ſword (yet all of them as it were drowzy, whether it were that they had ſlept ſoundly, or by reaſon of a great wind which ſuddenly did ariſe, they did not perceivethe noiſe. At length he came to the gate of the Town, and is known by the Muſqueteer that ſtood Centinell. And he, becauſe hee was a Bohemian and being overcome with his intreaties, tooke compaſſion on him, and not onely let him paſſe, but led him over the bridge unto the other Rivers bank.

7- Iohannes Moyſes was Miniſter to the Queene of Meſteca; whome, when they had taken as alſo his wife they cruelly burnt.

8. Simon Aenecanius apprehended in the town Horzitz, they faſtned to a poſt and did extreamely burne him, untill he had told them where his money wa .

9. The Paſtor of Bakovia (his name was not mentioned) was hanged upon a croſſe perch of a Hot houſe (wherein after the manner of their Country, they were wont to hang their clothes and other things) and a fire was made under him, and he was there broyled to death.

10. But the Miniſter of Mimonia, whom the Polonians having broke in upon, and in hope to have their prey, they cut into ſmall peeices.

11. Andreas lacobid Paſtor of Aurenowſium eſcaping by flight, they vented all their rage on the
