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Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/89

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TWELFTH TARLIAMENT. XI. of "December. 1482. 71 THE TWELFTH PARLIAMENT OF KING JAMES THE THRID, Halden at Edinburgh , the Elleventh of December , the zeire of God , ane thou/and, foure bun- dreth, auchtte twa zeires: t^Atid of his Reigne, the twentie three zeir.^ 87. Continuation of Warden Courtes. T Is ftatute and ordained, that in all time cumming, the Warden courts be of continuation: That is to fay, That the Wardens fall have power to hald their courts, and end them diefirft day, or continue them as pleafis them, for three dayes , or within. 88. Of breakers of the Kingis or Wardens faife-conduB. IT is ftatute and ordained that in time to cum, for the honour of our Soveraine Lord , that nane of his Lieges breake his faife-conduct : Nor his Wardens, within the boundes of their Offices , under die paine of death. 89. Of bringers hame , and fellers of corrupt wine. IT is ftatute, that nane of our Soveraine Lordis Lieges in time to cum , bring corrupt or mixt wine within. theRealme: Andgifonyfikhappenistobefent hame, that na man fell nor top it, fra it be declared be the Baillies and gutters of wine, that it is mixt or corrupt, bot fend it againe furth of the Realme , under the paine of death : And that na perfon within this Realme , take upon hand in time to cum, to mix wine or beere, under the paine of death, as faid is. FINIS. THE THRETTEENTH PARLIAMENT O F KING JAMES THE THRID. Halden at Edinburgh, the XXIV. ofFebruar, the zeir of God , ane thoufand ', foure hundreth 7 ' auchtie three zeires. 90. Of weafion-fchawinges , and reddines in weir: T is advifed and thocht expedient be die three Eftaits of die Parliament , that our Sove- raine Lordis Patent Letters , under his Privie feale be written to all SchirefTes , Baillies and Officiares within his Realme, chargeing them be open Proclamation , and utherwaies, they wame his Lieges, widiin die boundes of their offices , that they weill abuilzied for weir , be reddie upon audit daies warning to cum to the King or his Lieu-tennents , quhair they fall be charged, for the defenfe of the Realme, and refilling of the enemies of England, furnilhed with victual and expenfes , for die; fpace of twentie daies , after their cumming to the faid place and terme afllgned to diem. And diat the faid SchirefTe proclaime and hald weapon-fchawinges with- in the boundes of their Office , to fee that our Soveraine Lordis Lieges be bodin for weir , after the forme of the acle of Parliament, and to punifh them that arabfent, and not weill abuilzied, after forme of the faid acle