Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/19

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Of the unworthiness of the ministers, which hinders not the effect of the Sacraments.—The Nestorians agree with the above doctrine, 163; Mar Abd Yeshua and extract from ancient MS. on the subject, ib.

Of Baptism.—Quotations from the Gezza and Khudhra, 165; Remarks, 166.

Of the Lord's Supper.—Quotations from the Khudhra, Warda and Khamees, 167; Believed by the Nestorians to be a real partaking of the body and blood of Christ, 169; On the change of the elements, ib.; Transubstantiation unknown by name to the Nestorians, 170; Additional extracts in support thereof, ib.; The body of Christ eaten by them through faith, 172; Extracts proving the same, ib.; No elevation of the elements, ib.

Of the wicked who eat not of the body of Christ in the use of the Lord's Supper.—Agreement of the Nestorians with the teaching of this article, 173; Extracts from the Khudhra, ib.

Of both kinds.—Both administered to the Nestorians, except in a few instances, 174.

Of the one oblation of Christ finished upon the cross.—Extracts from the Khâmees and Khudhra, 175; Remarks, 176; Quotation from Mar Abd Yeshua, ib.; The Eucharist never celebrated without communion, 177; Of prayers for the dead, ib.

Of the Marriage of Priests.—Marriage lawful for Nestorian Priests and Deacons, 178; Convents of the ancient Nestorians, ib.; None existing at the present day, ib.; Of Monks and Nuns who shall fall from their vows, 179; No such establishment as nunneries among the Nestorians, ib.; Marriage prohibited to their Bishops, Metropolitans, and Patriarchs, 180; The restriction in opposition to the Canons in the Sinhadòs, ib.; Mar Abd Yeshua on "Matrimony and Virginity," 181.

Of Excommunicate Persons, how they are to be avoided.—This ecclesiastical discipline maintained in full vigour by the Nestorians, 182; Instance related by Dr. Grant, ib.; Extract from the Sinhados, ib.