Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/258

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which is being done at this time. The Seraphim stand in awe before the throne of the glory of Christ, and with one loud voice sing unceasing alleluias and praises to the Body which is laid out, and to the Cup which is mingled, whilst the people pray, and the priest intercedes for mercy for all the world; and mentally say: Peace be with us.


Praise be unto Thee, O our Lord Jesus Christ, Who in Thy mercy hast numbered me among the number of Thy high priests. [Repeat.] Praise be unto Thee, O Lord, for having mingled me with the choirs of Thy priests. Praise be unto Thee, O Lord, for having made me of the congregation of Thy saints. Praise be unto Thee, O Lord, for having raised me up at this time to pray for Thy people. Praise be unto Thee, O Lord, for having made me meet to intercede with confidence in behalf of Thy people, and to lay hold of the robes of Thy mercy. Have mercy upon Thy people who now stand awaiting Thy compassion. Turn towards the wanderers which have been lost from the sheep of Thy fold; pardon the sinners who have trodden upon the ordinances of Thy laws; and in Thy overflowing mercy be merciful to every creature. In Thy pity forgive the sinful, and in Thy compassion be favourable unto the transgressors; restore the wandering to Thy fold, gather together the dispersed, and make them of Thine own household. In Thy grace solace all such as are in trouble, give rest to the weary in Thy rest, perfect the alms which are bestowed for Thy Name's sake, and succour all those who live in the way of truth trusting in Thee. Quicken the dead who have slept in Thy hope, and in Thy grace make them to stand at Thy right hand, and finally to exult in the heavenly bliss of Thy kingdom with all the righteous and good who have been approved before Thee from the beginning. And now behold this Thy people met together in Thy Name, pardon their sins, blot out their ignorances, cleanse them from their faults, pass over their transgressions, heal their sicknesses, cure their diseases, put far off all their enemies, destroy those who hate them, forgive their shortcomings, wash their wounds and their sores, perfect what is wanting in them, bring them back