Plutarch's Morals, by Dr. Philemon Holland1603[1] Plutarch of the Education of Children, by Sir Tho. Elyott, 4to. The Preceptes of that excellent Clerke and grave Philosopher Plutarche, for the Preservation of Healthe, 8vo.1543
The Ethiques of Aristotle, &c. by John Wylkinson. Printed by Grafton, Printer to K. Edw. VI. 8vo. B. L.1547[2] The Secrete of Secretes of Aristotle, &c. translated out of the Frenche, &c. Lond. 8vo,1528 Aristotle’s Politiques, &c[3]. from the Fr. by J. D. fol. Lond.1598
The eight Bookes of Xenophon; containing the Institution, Schole, and Education of Cyrus, the noble King of Persye, &c. transl. out of Gr. into Engl. by Mr. William Bercher. Lond. 12mo.1567 and 1569
Do. by Dr. Philemon Holland.
Xenophon’s Treatise of Houfe-hold right, connyngly transl. out of the Greke tongue, &c. by Gentian Hervet, &c. 8vo. Lond,1532. 8vo. 1534.
1544. 8vo. 1573
The Arte of Riding from Xenophon, &c. Lond. 4to.1584
The Manuell of Epictetus, transl. out of Greeke into French,
- ↑ On the Stationers’ books in the year 1600 is the following entty.
“A booke to be translated out of Frenche into Englishe, and so printed, called the Morall Woorkes of Plutarque.” Again in 1602. Again in the same year, “The morral worke of Plutarque, being translated out of French into English.” - ↑ Of the Ethicks of Aristotle some more early translation must have appeared; as Sir Tho. Elyot in his Boke named the Governour, 1537, says, “they are to be learned in Greke; for the translations that we have, be but a rude and grosse shadowe of the eloquence and wysdome of Aristotle.”
- ↑ This translation is entered in the books at Stationers-hall. “Adam lslip] Aristotle's Politiques with expositions; to be translated into Englyshe by the Frenche copie, 1 598.”
- ↑ In the books ot the Stationer’s company, Feb. 12, 1581, Tho. Easte entered Enchiridion in English.