Page:The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778).djvu/103

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and now into English, &c. Also the Apothegmes, &c. by James Sandford. Lond. 12mo.1567


The Lyves of Philosophers and Orators, from the Greek of Eunapius, 4to.1579


The most delectable and pleasant Hist. of Clitophor and Leucippe, from the Greek of Achilles Statius, &c. by W. B. 4to1597[2]


The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius, Emperour and eloquent Orator, 12mo. Lond.1553 Translated out of Fr. into Eng. by Sir John Bourchier, Kt. &c. &c. Other editions of this are in 1534, 1535, 2536, 1537, 1559, 1586, 1588.


Dionysius’s Description of the Worlde. Englyshed by Tho. Twine, 8vo. Lond.1572


Euclid’s Elements of Geometry, transl. into Eng. by Rich. Candish, who flourished, A. D.1556

  1. Thus entered in the books of the Stationer's company. “Richard Jones. The Lives of divers excellente Orators and Philosophers written in Greeke by Enapius of the city of Sardis in Lydia, and translated into Englishe by ———
  2. This book was entered in the same year by Thomas Creede, on the books of the Stationers’ company.
  3. This book is only introduced, that an opportunity may be obtained of excluding it from any future catalogue of translated classics. It was a fraud of Guevara's, but not undetected; for Chapman, in his Gentleman Usher, 1602, speaks of the book as Guevara’s own. “If there be not more choice words in that letter, than in any three of Guevara’s Golden Episiles, I am a very ass.” See his article in Bayle. Our countryman Elyott did somewhat of the same kind. He pretended to translate the Actes and Sentences notable, of the Emperor Alexander Severus, (from the Greek of Encolpius. See Fabricius’ and Tanner’s Bibliothec. &c.