Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/26

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crimonious, to be used to a Dignitary, he did not vouchsafe to answer it, nor made any other Use of the authentic Information given him of Giovanni's genuine Sex. This Wound, though not fatal, made Giovanni suffer a great deal, especially in her Purse; for, as she drew it upon herself by the Licentiousness of her Amours, her Master told her he would not in the least concern himself in the Charge of the Cure, but as he brewed so must he bake. The Vicar, however, whilst Giovanni was under the Surgeon's Hands, had been put to great Inconveniency, as nothing came amiss to her; that he chose to bear with her Debaucheries, rather than deprive himself of a Domestic of such general Use, and tried Probity; accordingly Giovanni continued with him betwixt
