Page:The True History and Adventures of Catharine Vizzani - Bianchi (1755).pdf/27

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three or four Years afterwards, and, in all Appearance, to their mutual Satisfaction, the Governor never failing to take him in Company, whenever he visited his Estate at Monte Pulciano, till (whether it was from Whim, Disgust, or some new Scheme) she abruptly desired and obtained her Discharge. She hired herself next to Giannozzo de Capparello, who at that Time was Commissary or Governor of that Place; but, having enough of this Service in a few Months, she went and made her Submissions to the Vicar of Anghiari, who, partly out of Good-nature, and partly out of Regard to her universal Qualifications, received her again into his Family, but with many grave Admonitions to a more regular Behaviour; her Master, being soon after preferred to the Podestateship of
