Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/596

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INDEX 580 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC 28, 29, 30 ; buttresses at, 42 ; staircase, 78. Conway Castle, i. 42, 220. Corbelling, ii. 10. Corehouse, description, ii. 404. CorgarfF Castle, description, ii. 66. Corse Castle, description, ii. 265. Coucy, Chateau de, described, i. 37, 38; 39, 40 ; Coucy and Pierre- fonds compared, 46 ; Inverlochy like, 78 ; Bothwell like, 98 ; Doune compared with, 422 ; drawbridge, 547. Coxton Tower,, staircase, i. 140; outcome of Norman Keep, ii. 4 ; description, 23 ; resemblance to Hallbar Tower, 23, to Scot- starvet, 41, and to Spedlin's Tower, 49 ; shot-holes, 209. Craig Castle, passage like Gight Castle, i. 323 ; description, 326 ; crow-stepped gables, ii. 337. Craighall compared to Struthers Castle, i. 354 ; ii. 41 ; description, 554. Craigievar Castle, turrets and para- pets of, ii. 3 ; modification on L plan, 5 ; ornament at, 7, 8 ; not an early keep embellished and heightened, 1 5 ; staircase, 1 8 ; resemblance to Udny, 44 ; wings and turrets, 68 ; description, 103. Craigmillar Castle, fireplaces re- moved, i. 108 ; attic on battle- ments, 152; description, 189; walls of enceinte, 203 ; corbels and machicolations, 207 ; con- verted into courtyard plan, 223 ; example of hoardings, 225 ; fire- places, 308 ; parapet corbels left, 311; barrel vault, 315; stone roof, 331, 414 ; parapet without corbels, 407 ; enclosing wall, 483 ; Renaissance mould- ings, ii. 282 ; defences similar to Girnigoe, 312 ; resemblance to Cawdor, 31 6. Craigneil Castle, description, i. 297. Craignethan Castle, imitation cor- bels, i. 225 ; description, 255 ; sloping gun-holes, 542. Craill Castle, i. 63. Craigstone Castle, circular medal- lions, ii. 82 ; bas-reliefs, 282 ; description, 483. Crathes Castle, peculiarities of plan, ii. 5 ; built at one period, 15 ; gallery, 16, 17 ; resemblance to Udny, 44 ; description, 108 ; contrast with Drum, 113. Crichton Castle, description, i. 209 ; machicolations, 224 ; carving, 225 ; balcony, 459 ; details and ornaments, ii. 8 ; resembles Ger- man work, 13; staircase, 18, 320; corbelling, 146. Crookston Castle, exceptional de- sign, i. 225, 523 ; passages in walls, 317 ; deep external bay of windows, 470 ; description of, 533 ; compared with Morton Castle, 550. Cnlross Palace, gallery and roof, ii. 16; courtyard, 401 ; descrip- tion, 432. DALCROSS CASTLE, description, ii. 179- Dalswinton Castle, i. 64. Darnaway Castle, description of, i. 304. Dean Castle, additions detached from keep, i. 226, 359 ; minstrels' gallery, 231; description, 401. Deer Abbey, ii. 331. Defoe, Daniel, visits Glamis, ii. 118. Delgaty Castle, groined ceiling, ii. 9 ; description, 52. Dirleton Castle, resembles style of