Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/597

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RCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 581 INDEX the South, i. 64 ; description, 113, 11 4, 435; chimney, 121 ; towers demolished, 129; old towers util- ised, 169; courtyard plan, 222; timber roof destroyed, 306 ; guard-room and dungeon under the private room, 320 ; window to cellars, as at Linlithgow, 487 ; external work like Hermitage, .527 ; different from courtyard castles of Fourth Period,, ii. 1 7. Donibristle Castle, beacon light, i. 330. Dornoch, Bishop's House, descrip- tion, ii. 336. Doune Castle, fireplace removed, i. 108; plan corresponds with Crichton Castle, 214; hall roof of Crichton similar, 215; built on courtyard plan, 222, 417 ; hall fireplace double, 225 ; open tim- ber roof gone, 306 ; oratory, 406 ; outside stair to hall, 407 ; descrip- tion, 418; belonged to Duke of Albany, 429 ; enclosing wall, 483 ; large keep, 523 ; external work like Hermitage, 527 ; extended buildings, 528; oratory, 571; musicians' gallery, 404 ; different from courtyard castles of Fourth Period, ii. 17. Dover Castle described, i. 5, 18; subterranean passages at, 112, 121. Draffane, i. 259- See Craigiiethan. Drochil Castle, compared with Bal- veiiy, i. 390 ; mouldings like those of Aberdour and Edin- burgh Castles, 454 ; arrangements as to bartizans and corbelling, ii. 6, 7, 74, 256 ; ornament at, 8 ; Z plans, 204; description, 221. Drum Castle, Aberdeenshire, de- scription, i. 150; rounded angles like Neidpath, 188 ; staircase, ii. 18, 320; contrast with Udny, 44, and Crathes, 113; descrip- tion, 436. Drum House, Midlothian, descrip- tion, ii. 557. Drumcoltern Castle, description , ii. 84. Druminnor Castle, description, ii. 291. Drumlanrig Castle, details, ii. 9 ; symmetry, 18, 19; description, 446. Drummond Castle, description, i. 285. Drury, Sir William, Report on Edin- burgh Castle, i. 450. Drydeii, Sir Henry, Bart., i. 522. Due, Viollet-le-, descriptions of French architecture, i. 2 ; de- scription of Beaugency, 8; re- storation of Chateau d'Etampes, 25; machicolations invented by Richard i., 25 ; description of Provins, 27 ; description of Chateau de Coucy, 38 ; restora- tion of Chateau de Pierrefonds, 46. Duffus Castle, early stronghold, i. 63 ; description, 278. Dumbarton Castle, early strong- hold, i. 63. Dunbar, early stronghold, i. 64. Dunblane, fireplaces removed, i. 108. Dundas Castle, description, i. 328. Dundonald Castle, compared with Rothesay, i. 82; fireplaces, 121 ; description, 167; Torthorwald compared with, 175; a simple keep, 221 ; Crookston Castle com- pared with, 534. Dunfermline, beacon lights, i. 330. Church, i. 464.