Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/598

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INDEX 582 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC Dunfermline Palace., courtyard plan, i. 417 ; description of, 514. Dunnottar Castle, corbels and ma- chicolations, i. 224, 443 ; descrip- tion, 562 ; an epitome, ii. 294 ; extension like Girnigoe, 312; plan, 331. Dunolly Castle, description, i. 281. Dimskaith Castle, ancient fortress, i. 63. Dunstaffiiage Castle, compared with French and English examples, i. 33 ; thirteenth century, 63 ; rocky site, 64 ; description, 85 ; description of chapel, 90 ; plan irregular, 127; loopholes as at Caerlaverock, 129; traditional date, 283. Duntarvie Castle, late corbelling, ii. 18 ; resemblance to Fordel, 238; description, 516. Durham Castle a shell keep, i. 22. Dury, Abbot, arms at Dunfermline, i. 516. EARLSHALL, gallery and roof, ii. 16, 17; staircase, 18; description, 282. Early English Castles, i. 42, 43. East Coates House, Edinburgh, turrets, ii. 11; description, 509. Eden Castle, description, ii. 272. Edinburgh Castle, an ancient for- tress, i. 64 ; courtyard plan, 222, 417; timber roofs, 306 ; gabled crow-steps, 328, 505 ; description, 445 ; one of the four chief for- tresses, 464 ; extended accom- modation,, 478 ; watch - turrets, 467 ; Renaissance corbels like work at Falkland, 506; Renais- sance mouldings, ii. 282 ; crow- stepped gables, 337. Parliament House, i. 460. Edinburgh, Queen Mary's Bath, Canongate, ii. 10, 11. - Troii Church, i. 306. Edindour Castle, ancient fortress, i. 63. " Edom o' Gordon," i. 337. Edwardian Castles, i. 42, 43, 64, 112, 129, 447. Edzell Castle, corbels applied as ornaments, i. 225, 259, 297 ; small break at staircase, 295 ; descrip- tion, 359 ; vaulting, ii. 9, 52 ; arched gateway, 296. Elcho Castle, turrets, ii. 11; stair- case, 18; description, 95, 126; resemblance to Maclellan's House, 150. Elgin, Bishop's House, description, ii. 58. Cathedral, rebuilding of, i. 444. Elizabethan Style, features of, in- troduced into Scotland, ii. 3. Elphinstone Castle, description, i. 233 ; compared with Comlon- gan, 237, 240; compared with Cardoness, 244; spy-hole, 251; roof of, 326; kitchen, ii. 16. Elshieshields Tower, stair, ii. 68 ; description, 68 ; watch - turret, 74. Erchless Castle, description, ii. 169. Etampes, Chateau d', i. 24, 25. Ethie Castle, description, ii. 406. Evelick Castle, description, ii. 89. FALKLAND PALACE, courtyard plan, i. 417; gateway compared with Stirling Castle, 472 ; extended accommodation, 478, 479 ', corri- dors added, 497 ; medallions, 500 ; description, 501 ; compared with Dunfermline Palace, 516 ; approach of Renaissance, ij. 1 ;