Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/599

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 583 INDEX early employment of Frenchmen,, 14 ; gateway, 15, 296. Falside Castle, keep enlarged into a mansion, i. 359 ; description, 409. Farme Castle, description, i. 313. Farnell Castle, gabled crow-steps, i. 328; description, ii. 501. Federate Castle, description, i. 357. Fenton Tower, description, ii. 270. Fernieherst Castle, description, ii. 156. Fernielee Castle, description, ii. 519. Fiddes Castle, plan of, ii. 5 ; de- scription, 142. Fintry Castle. See Mains. Fordel Castle, beacon light, i. 330 ; turrets, ii. 11; details like Pit- reavie, 41 ; Z plan, 204 ; de- scription, 237 ; resemblance to Duntarvie, 238. Forfar Castle, ancient fortress, j i. 63. Fortunes of Nigel, ii. 231. Fountainhall, description, ii. 550. Fraserburgh, Castle at Kinnaird Head, and Wine Tower, built by Sir A. Fraser of Cairnbulg, i. 313; descriptions, ii. 31. French Castles, supposed resem- j blance of, to Scottish, ii. 4, 12. Fy vie, ancient stronghold, i. 63 ; compared with Montsabert,ii. 12 ; with Pinkie, 398; staircase, 18, 217; symmetrical arrangement, 19 ; shot-holes, 296 ; description, j 349. GAILLARD, Chateau, description, i. 25, 26 ; " bee " or keel of the keep, 37 ; Rosslyn Castle com- pared with, 376. Gardyne Castle, description, ii. 497. Germany, Architecture resembles Scottish work, as at Aschaffen- burg, Heidelberg, Wolfenbiittel, Wurzburg University, Rathhaus of Liibeck, Dresden, Schaff- hausen, Altenberg, ii. 13. Gight, or Formantine, description, i. 322 ; passage like that of Craig Castle, 327 ; vaulting, ii. 9, 52 ; entrance, 53. Gilbertfield, turrets and gables, ii. 11 ; description, 86. Girnigoe Castle, description, ii. 306 ; defences similar to Craigmillar, 312 ; extension like Dimnottar, 312. Gisors Castle, description, i. 21, 22. Glamis, ancient stronghold, i. 63 ; corbels of old parapet left, 311 ; Glamis Castle and Castle Huntly both altered by Earl of Strath- more, 322 ; plan of or modifica- tion of keep, ii. 5 ; turrets and gables, It, 15; description, 113 ; details, 200 ; staircase, 217, 294. Glenbucket Castle, turrets, ii. 11; staircase, 1 8 ; Z plan, 204 ; de- scription, 242. Gloume Castle, i. 202. Sec Castle Campbell. Gowrie House, Perth, ii. 474. Granton House, description, ii. 185. Grantully Castle, description, ii. 273. Gratings, iron, ii. 102. Gray, Thomas, poet, visits Glamis, ii. 113. Grose, Captain, i. 407, 467, 470 ; visit to Glamis, ii. 118. Guildford Castle, herring-bone work, i. 12. Gylem Castle, fireplace like Car- doness, i. 246 ; stair, ii. 68 ; de- scription, 70.