Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/600

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INDEX 584 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC HAILES CASTLE, i. 113 ; description,, 122. Haining Castle, description, i. 413. Hallbar Tower, staircase, i. 140; outcome of the Norman keep, ii. 4; like Coxton, 23 ; description, 26 ; resemblance to Spedlin's Tower, 49. Hallforest Castle, description, i. 157. Harlech Castle, i. 42. Harthill Castle, staircase, ii. 18; description, 244. Hay, Father, i. 370. Heidelberg Castle. See Germany. Heriot's Hospital, style of, i. 460, 497 ; details of, like German work, ii. 13 ; architect of, 19, 130; resemblance to other buildings, 200, 226. Hermitage Castle, exceptional style of, i. 225, 523 ; description, 523 ; similar to Crookston Castle, 534, 550. Hoddam Castle, ii. 137. Holyrood Palace, courtyard plan, i. 222, 479; similar to Falkland Palace, 472 ; plan, ii. 331. Hopetoun Tower, description, ii. 200. Houston House, description, ii. 512. Huntiiigtower. See Ruthven. Huntly Castle, resemblance to Bal- veny, i. 390; staircase, ii. 18 ; oriels, 19 ; medallions, 82 ; description, 277 ; three-sided doorhead, 292. Hurstmonceaux Castle, i. 57, 58. INCHDREWER CASTLE, ii. 147. Inchoch Castle, description, ii. 246. Innerpeffrey Castle, description, ii. 193. Innes, Cosmo, list of Early Scottish Strongholds by, i. 63 ; date of Yester Castle, 116; Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, ii. 323. Innes House, L plan, ii. 18 ; orna- ment, 19; description, 202; re- semblance to Leslie, 203 ; archi- tect of, 203. Inverallochy Castle, description, ii. 331. Inverkip Castle, description, i. 296. Inverlochy Castle, ancient fortress, i. 63 ; site of, 64 ; description, 73. Inverugie Castle, vaulting, ii. 9 ; description, 324. Inverurie, ancient fortress, i. 63. JEDBURGH, ancient fortress, i. 64. Jerviswood Castle, description, ii. 514. KEEP PLAN, continuity of, ii. 570. Keeps, enlarged into castles sur- rounding courtyard, i. 188, 359; French, 6, 7 ; Norman, 4, 5, 7, 22, 30, 39, 59, 62, 144; rect- angular, 2 1 ; Scottish, 30, 34 ; shell, 21 ; life in, ii. 571. Keiss Castle, description, ii. 267. Keith House, description, ii. 508. Kelly Castle, description, ii. 1 25 ; resemblance to Maclellaii's House, 150. Kelty House, turret, ii. 1 1 ; de- scription, 197. Kilbirnie, Place of, description, i. 390 ; angular turrets, ii. 1 3. Kilchurn Castle, description, i. 382. Kilcoy Castle, Z plan, ii. 204, 248 ; description, 252. Kildrummie Castle, ancient fortress, i. 63 ; resembles Southern work, 64, 65 ; completed work of First Period, 92; description, 108; exceptional building, 418. Kilkerran Castle, description, i. 298. Killochan Castle, description, ii. 144. Kilravock Castle, description, i. 384.