Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/601

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ARCHITECTURE OF. SCOTLAND 585 INDEX Kincardine Castle, primitive fort- ress, i. 63. Kinclaven Castle, site of, i. 64 ; de- scription, 67 ; Lochmaben Castle similar to, 79 ; simple form of plan, 92 ; square on plan, 1 27 ; resembles Tarbert, 136; Balveny Castle resembles, 386. Kinnaird Castle, Carse of Gowrie, description, i. 270 ; resembles Scotstarvet, ii. 41. Head. See Fraserburgh. Kirkhill Castle, description, ii. 146. Kirk wall, Bishop's Palace, descrip- tion, i. 519. Castle, exchanged for Ravens- craig Castle, i. 545. Earl's Palace, angle turrets, ii. 7, 11, 13; oriels, 19; stair, 257 ; description, 337. Kitchens, ii. 16, 572, 574. Knock Castle, description, ii. 29 ; ! resemblance to Birse, 49. Knockhall Castle, description, ii. 165. L PLANS, ii. 5. Lamberton, primitive fortress, i. 64. Leslie Castle, description, ii. 1 98 ; resemblance to Innes, 203. Leuchars, primitive fortress, i. 63. - Castle and Church, ii. 289. Leven Castle, ornamental corbels, i. 225 ; description, 295. Liberton Tower, parapet at, i. 224 ; spy-hole at, 251 ; description, 226. Lickleyhead Castle, description, ii. 133; pointed ovoid windows, 200. Lincluden Abbey, built by the third Earl of Douglas (Archibald the Grim), i. 106. Lincoln, Jew's house at, i. 23. Linlithgow, primitive fortress, i. 64. Palace, courtyard plan, i. 222, 417 ; triple fireplace at, 225 ; stone bench in hall, 404 ; win- dow to cellars, 438 ; hall similar to other Royal palaces, 457 ; oriel window at, 459 ; deep external bay of windows, 470 ; towers resemble those of Stirling, 473 ; fireplaces like those at Stirling Palace, 475 ; description, 478 ; compared with Dunfermline Palace and Falkland Palace, 504, 516; round towers at, ii. 14; gateway, 15 ; round towers, gate- way, 296. Linlithgow, Knights Hospitallers, fireplace like that of the Palace, i.490; roof, 306; description, 508. Loch-an-Eilaii, description, i. 72, 73. Loches, Chateau de, keel on towers, i. 31 ; James v. imitates at Stirling, 476. Keep, description of, i. 9- Lochhouse Tower, description, ii. 38. Lochiiidorb Castle, primitive fort- ress, i. 63 ; chapel at, 64 ; enlarged by Edward i., 65 ; description, 70 ; iron gate from, ii. 323. Lochleven Castle, description, i. 146. Lochmaben Castle, primitive fort- ress, i. 64; description, 78; special site of, 143. London, City, houses of, i. 23. Tower of, i. 5. Louvre, donjon of, i. 53. Lovat, Lord, extract from Life of, ii. 573. Liibeck, Rathhaus of, i. 219. Lugs at Castle Fraser, ii. 230, 233. MACLELLAN'S HOUSE, Kirkcudbright, description, ii. 149 ; resemblance to Elcho and Kellie, 150 ; monu- ment, 155.