Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/602

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INDEX 586 CASTELLATED AND DOMESTIC Magdalens House, description, ii. 545. Mains, or Fintry Castle, descrip- tion, ii. 389. M ait land's History of Edinburgh, i. 452,460. Mar Castle, modern defences, ii. 67 ; description, 139. May bole, oriel, ii. 19. Mearns Tower, resembles Scotstar- vet, i. 41; description, 230; musicians' gallery at, 404. Medallions., circular, ii. 82. Megginch Castle, description, ii. 499. Menstrie Castle, description, ii. 409- Midhope House, description, ii. 502. Midmar Castle, builder of, ii. 231 ; description, 372. Millar, Mr. A. H., ii. 390. Moncur Castle, description, ii. 269. Montsabert, Chateau cle, i. 53, 54, 55 ; supposed resemblance to Fyvie, ii. 12, 354. Moray House, panelled ceilings, i. 301 ; details of, ii. 9, 130, 398 ; description, 529- Morton Castle, primitive fortress, i. 64 ; exceptional design, 226_, 523 ; description, 545 ; plan similar to Tullyallan, Rait, etc., 554, 557, 558 ; plan, ii. 324. Muchalls House, description, ii. 369- Muckrach Castle, description, ii. 77. Muness Castle, description, ii. 256. NATTES, JOHN CLAUDE. See Inchoch Castle, ii. 248 ; Burgie Castle, 261. Neidpath Castle, resembles Drum Castle, i. 155; description, 183; staircase, ii. 320. Newark Castle, Port Glasgow, fire- place in, ii. 49 ; description, 425. Newark Castle (Selkirkshire), de- scription, i. 247; parapet roofed in, 284; kitchen, ii. 16. Newcastle, keep at, i. 5, 13. Newton House, Perthshire, descrip- tion, ii. 293. Niddrie Castle, description, i. 324 ; deep external bay of windows, 470. Marischall House, description, ii. 62. Northfield House, description, ii. 183. Notlarid, consideration of plan, ii. 6 ; staircase, 18, 353 ; Z plan, 204; description, 213; resem- blance of windows to Ballin- breich, 221. OAKHAM CASTLE, hall of, i. 23. Ochiltree Castle/description, ii. 134. PAISLEY ABBEY, vaulting of, i. 173. Paris, House of Francis i., i. 56, 507. Parker, J. H., Domestic Architecture of England, i. 2, 23, 43, 49, 59, 497. Peffermill House, description, ii. 167. Period, First, i.6l ; summary, ii. 567. Second, i. 1 43 ; summary, ii. 568. Third, i. 222; simple keeps, 226; keeps with one or two wings, 314; keeps enlarged by additions, 359 ; castles designed as buildings surrounding a court- yard, 417 ; exceptional modifica- tion of keep plan, 523 ; close of, and break in continuity, ii. 1 ; summary, 568. Fourth, ii. 1 ; plans, 4 ; details and ornaments, 7 ; corbelling and angle turrets, 10 ; staircases, 17 ; symmetry, 18; L plans, 68; Z