Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 2.djvu/603

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 587 INDEX plans, 204 ; courtyards and quad- rangles, 294 ; departure from traditional plan, 4-67 ; conclusion, 565 ; internal finishings, 565 ; summary, 5 69. Pennant visits Glamis, ii. 114. Pevensey Castle, Roman work at, i. 5, 1 1, 42 ; similar to French and Scottish castles, 33 ; Inverlochy Castle resembles, 78. Philorth House, description, ii. 507. Pierrefonds, Chateau de, descrip- tion, i. 44, 45, 4(j, 47 ; compared with Warwick Castle, 49 ; towers of Craigmillar resemble, 197; con- temporary with keeps of Scotland, 220; Scottish keeps of Third Period resemble, 223 ; keep of Doune Castle resembles, 422. Pinkie, gallery and roof, ii. 16, 17 ; 'oriel, English taste, 19; turrets like those at Hoddam, 138 ; de- scription, 392 ; compared with Fyvie, 398. Pitreavie House, details like Fordel, ii. 41 ; description, 537. Pococke, Bishop, Travels of, ii. 6l. Porchester Castle, Roman work at, i. 5, 11. Pratt, Dr., Guide to Buchan, i. 357. Preston. See Magdalens and North- field. Tower, hoardings at, i. 225 ; description, 317. Provins, Chateau de, description, i. 27, 28. QUEEN MARY'S BATH, Edinburgh, wood corbels at, ii. 10. Queensferry, South, doorway, ii. 575; iron knocker, 598. RAIT CASTLE, windows of Duffus similar to, i. 280; exceptional plan, 523 ; entrance door similar to Morton Castle, 548 ; classed with Morton and Tullyallan Castles, 549, 554, 557 ; descrip- tion, 558. Ramage, Dr. C. r i,Drmn/a?irig Castle and the Douglases, i. 550 ; ii. 453. Ravenscraig Castle, exceptional design, i. 226, 523 ; description, 538 ; fore-stair, ii. 324. Redcastle, primitive fortress, i. 63 ; description, 280. Reformation, effect of, on architec- ture, ii. 2. Renaissance style, i. 52, 53, 60, 131, 133, 182, 219, 322, 332, 470, 475, 483, 495, 505, 507, 516 ; in- troduction of, ii. 1, 3; slow pro- gress of, 8 ; from Germany rather than France, 13. Repentance, Tower of, description, ii. 60. Riviera, Castles in the, i. 20. Robertson, Dr. Joseph, i. 492, 495. Roche Guyo.n, Chateau de, remark- able site and subterranean pas- sages of, i. 36, 121. Rochester Castle, central wall, i. 7, 14; description, 1 5 ; enceinte, 22. Roman work in Gaul and England, i. 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 42. Rosslyn Castle, description, i. 366. Rosyth Castle, description, i. 289. Rothesay Castle, primitive fortress, i. 63 ; oval plan, 64, 1 27 ; descrip- tion, 80 ; keep similar to Dun- donald, 221. Rouen, Tower of Jeanne d'Arc, i. 39, 40. Rowallan, large gable window, ii. 178 ; description, 375. Roxburgh Castle, primitive fortress, i. 64 ; one of the four principal fortresses, 464.