Page:The life and writings of Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) (IA lifewritingsofal00spurrich).pdf/401

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Name of Book. Year of
Remarks re Authenticity, etc.

Maître Adam le Calabrais[1] 1840 Unquestionably Dumas. Bound with "La Colombe." Collaborator: Fiorentino.
Les Mariages de Père Olifus 1850 Dumas. From materials obtained during a visit to Holland.
Le Marquis d'Escoman (Drames Galantes) 1861 Not by Dumas.
Mémoires d'un Aveugle 1856-7 A version of the "Mémoires de Madame du Deffand." See "Les Confessions de la Marquise." Not by Dumas.
Les Mémoires d'un Médecin ("The Memoirs of a Physician") 1847 Dumas, with Maquet's assistance. (Sequels: "Le Collier de la Reine," "Ange Pitou," "La Comtesse de Charny" and "Chevalier de Maison-Rouge."
Le Meneur de Loups 1857 Dumas. A tale of Villers-Cotterets.
Mes Mémoires 1852-4 The story of his life, 1802-32.
*Mémoires d'Horace 1860 Not now accessible.
Les Milles-et-un Fantomes 1849 Said to have been in collaboration with Paul Bocage. A treatise on the horrible, rather than a story.
Les Mohicans de Paris 1854-5 Dumas in collaboration with Bocage. Translation now out of print. Followed by "Salvator."
Les Morts vont vite 1861 "Appreciations" of Chateaubriand, le Duc et Duchesse D'Orléans, Béranger, Sue, De Musset, etc., by Dumas.
Une Nuit à Florence 1861 Dumas.
  1. A translation by the writer will shortly be published.