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Page:The life of Matthew Flinders.djvu/603

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Jussieu, French botanist, recommends Baudin to command discovery voyage, 201, 255, 264

Kangaroo Island, discovery of, 216, 434, 469
Wild life on, 220
Baudin at, 232, 276, 388
Kent, Lieutenant William, 94, 126, 157, 186, 399
Kent's Group, 126, 465
Keppel Bay, 267
King, Governor, P, G, and Bass's South American project, 149 et seq.
His hospitality to French expedition, 248
Receives news of Porpoise wreck, 298
Entrusts despatches to Flinders, 334
Protest against Flinders' imprisonment, 365
King George's Sound, 205
King Island, 229
Discovery of, 236
French at, 251
Kupang, 275

Lacépède, 255
Lacy, midshipman, 241, 391
Lady Nelson, 73, 120, 233 et seq., 267, 285
Lapérouse, 71, 76, 173, 198, 222, 223, 247, 268, 361, 418
Launceston, 137,
Lawson, Lieutenant, his share in crossing Blue Mountains, 99
Leeuwin, Cape, 197, 206, 466
Linois, Rear-Admiral, 302, 317-18
Little Bay, 104,
Liverpool, Lord, 426
Lofty, Mount, 217, 470
Louis XVI, his interest in discovery voyages, 173
Louth Bay, 211
Louth Isle, 211, 469
Lucky Bay, 211, 467

Macquarie, Fort, 248n
Macquarie, Governor, his use of word Australia, 428
Maison Despeaux (Garden Prison), 345
Malaspina, Admiral, 437
Malte-Brun, 367
Championship of Flinders, 387, 414
Maria Island, 274, 472
Marsden, Reverend Samuel, 439
Martin's Isles, 91, 465
Mauritius, see Ile-de-France,
Melville Bay, 274, 473
Memory Cove, 214, 468
Monistrol, Colonel, 321, 324, 329, 338, 341, 345, 371, 384
Moreau, General, 311 et seq.
Moreton Bay, 158, 162
Mornington, 241
Mornington Island, 273, 471
Murray, Lieutenant John, discovers Port Phillip, 237
Accompanies Flinders, 267
Mutton birds, 127 et seq.

Napoleon, authorises French discovery voyage, 173, 198, 255
His opinion of General Decaen, 313
Sends Decaen to India, 315
Hears of the Flinders case, 347
Orders release of Flinders, 368
His comment on oaths of allegiance, 382
Naturaliste, Le, 115, 190, 202-4, 225 et seq., 247 et seq., 253, 304, 336, 434n-5
Navy, the British, promotion in, 15
Entrance to, 17
Nelson, 15, 211
Nelson, Cape, 211, 235