Page:Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1894).djvu/632

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height 206 slope 217 worship the ⁃ sun 886

risk chance 621 danger 665 at any ⁃ 604

risum teneatis amici? 853

rite law 963 religious 998 funeral ⁃ 363

ritornello 104

ritual ostentation 882 rite 998

ritualism religious sect 984

rival emulate 648 oppose 708 opponent 710 compete 720 combatant 726 outshine 873

rivalry envy 921

rive 44

rivel 258

river 348

rivet fasten 43 fastening 45 ⁃ the attention attend 457 excite 824 ⁃ the eyes upon 441 ⁃ in the memory 505 ⁃ the yoke 739

riveted firm 150

rivulet 348

rixation 713

road street 189 direction 278 way 627 on the ⁃ transference 270 progression 282 approach 286 on the high ⁃ to 278 ⁃ to ruin destruction 162 danger 665 adversity 735

road-book 266

roads lake 343

roadstead abode 189 refuge 666

roadster 271

roadway 627

roam 266

roan horse 271 colour 432

roar violence 173 sound 404 bellow 411, 412 laugh 838 weep 839

roaring great 31 ⁃ trade 731, 734

roast heat 384 ridicule 856 rib⁃ 972 rule the ⁃ 737 ⁃ and boiled 298 ⁃ an ox 883

rob pulp 354 plunder 791 ⁃ Peter to pay Paul 30

robber 792

robbery 791

robe dress 225 canonicals 999

robes ⁃ of state 747

Robin Goodfellow 980

robust strong 159 healthy 654

roc 83

rock firm 150 oscillate 314 hard 323 land 342 danger 667 build on a ⁃ 150 split upon a ⁃ 732 ⁃ ahead 665 ⁃ oil 356

rocket rapid 274 rise 305 light 423 signal 550 arms 727 go up like a ⁃ and come down like the stick 732

rocking-chair 215

rococo 124

rod support 215 measure 466 scourge 975 divining 993 kiss the ⁃ 725 sounding ⁃ 208 ⁃ of empire 747 ⁃ in pickle prepared 673 accusation 938 punishment 972 scourge 975

rodomontade unmeaning 517 boast 884 (absurdity 497)

roe deer 366 female 374

rogation request 765 worship 990

rogue cheat 548 knave 941 scamp 949 ⁃’s march 297

roguery 940

roguish playful 840

Roi le veut, le ⁃ 741

roister 885

roisterer 887

rôle drama 599 business 625 plan 626 conduct 692

roll list 86 fillet 205 convolution 248 rotundity 249 make smooth 255 move 264 rotate 312 rock 314 flow 348 sound 407 record 551 strike off the ⁃ abrogate 756 punish 972 (degrade 874) ⁃ along 312 ⁃ in the dust 731 ⁃ on the ground 839 ⁃ in plenty 639 redundance 641 ⁃ on 109 ⁃ into one 43 ⁃ in riches 803 ⁃ up 312 ⁃ up in 225 ⁃ in wealth 803

roll-call 85

roller fillet 45 round 249 clothing 255 rotate 312

rollers billows 348

rollick 836

rollicker 838

rollicking frolicsome 836 blustering 885

rolling: ⁃ pin 249 ⁃ stock 272 ⁃ stone 312

Rolls: Master of the ⁃ recorder 553 judge 967 ⁃ Court 966

Roman Catholic 984

romance absurdity 497 imagination 515 untruth 546 fable 594

Romanism 984

romantic imaginative 515 sensitive 822

romanticism 515

Romanus sum, civis ⁃ 924

Romany 563

Rome: Church of ⁃ 984 do at ⁃ as the Romans do 82

romp violent 173 game 840

rondeau music 415 poem 597

rood 200

roof house 189 cover 223 (height 206) (summit 210)

roofless 226

rook steal 791 thief 792

rookery nests 189 dirt 653

room occasion 134 space 180 chamber 191 plea 617 assembly ⁃ 840 in the ⁃ of 147 make ⁃ for opening 260 respect 928

roomy 180

roost 189

rooster 366

root algebraic - 84 cause 153

place 184